I was pretty sure from his track record that Vischer would be able to get ER's attention right away, but I wasn't sure he'd be able to keep it for long. After all, how interesting could he possibly make the Bible? I have to admit I was wrong to doubt.
What's in the Bible is well done and not what I feared it would be, a puff piece with a little religion thrown in. I found it to be highly educational and the delivery via various puppets like the blue haired Sunday school teacher, singing cowboy, pirate, and news anchor Buck Rodgers ensured that the information I probably got in catechism class was a lot more interesting and engaging.
I liked how it talked in depth about how the Bible was written and why certain books did or did not make it into the Bible. It also jumped right in and mentioned sin, characterized as little crabby looking black puffs. I also liked how it didn't shy away from bringing that up, finding an age appropriate manner to so. Our children are bombarded with so many different forms of entertainment, and while many preschool shows have educational components, they don't discuss faith and Christianity. What's in the Bible fills this gap perfectly.

Presenting a 13-DVD series from the creator of VeggieTales, Phil Vischer! Each DVD is filled with original music, animation, puppets, and creative writing that will teach kids about God and his Word. The first DVD introduces kids to the Bible and the book of beginnings, Genesis. Kids will learn about the key people in Genesis and the important lessons their stories teach us. Approximately 56 minutes...
The second DVD introduces kids to the book of Exodus: the oppression of the Israelites and the birth and rise of God’s chosen leader, Moses. The DVD also answers the question, who wrote the Bible? in a way kids can grasp. Approximately 56 minutes.
Find out a little bit more about What's In the Bible from Phil Visher and see a preview of the show below:
Here are some What's in the Bible coloring pages featuring the main characters, for you to enjoy too!

As a part of the What's in the Bible's Blog Tour, I have two certificates, one for a free copy of each DVD to give away, courtesy of Tyndale.
Please Note: These certificates can be redeemed at your local Christian bookstore, winner pays taxes where applicable, or by mailing directly to Tyndale.
To Enter:
Please tell me which part of the Bible is hardest for you to teach or talk about with your child or your favorite part of the Bible.
Extra Entries: {to be completed after the main entry described above, add a separate comment for each one}
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Giveaway open until April 8 midnight EST, a little longer than usual because of the Easter holiday. Winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Good Luck!
Disclaimer: Thank you to Tyndale for providing the reviewer's copy and giveaway. This review relates my own personal and unbiased opinions and experience with this DVD series. Yours may differ.
68 Friends Said:
I LOVE this giveaway!!! I would say that Leviticus and Numbers are probably the hardest books for me to teach through with my children--for that matter, they are some of the most challenging books for me to read through and stay interested myself. :)
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I think the Abraham sacrificing Isaac story is hard to teach.
And I remember LOVING the story of Joseph and his brothers as a kid.
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My kids are only 4, so right now the crucifixion of Jesus is the hardest part of the Bible to teach. This looks like a great DVD--can't wait for my kids to see it!
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The gospel... the story of Jesus coming to earth as a man and dying on the cross for our sins and raising again from the dead after three days is my favorite part of the Bible.
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I don't know what part is hardest. I was considering that question, and nothing springs to mind. The hardest thing to put into action is waiting on God.
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The hardest part would definitely be about suffering & death.
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My favorite part of the Bible to teach my children are stories like Noah's Ark and Daniel in the Lion's Den - stories that reinforce strong faith and the power of God. No matter what they encounter, God is with them. Have faith, God is good!! Thanks for the chance!
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Hardest part to teach to kids would be prophecy books. Narrative and topical are easier to understand and put in kids' terms. Prophetic interpretations are up for grabs, sometimes.
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She loves hearing about animals, so Noah's Ark is a fvorite. We are using a beginners Bible right now, so it all has pictures, which is good with her
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The hardest part of the bible to teach my 5 year old is that "we" killed Jesus (that He died for us all).
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