Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Arrival Day

My mom called and reminded me that 31 years ago today, I came off a plane from Korea and was placed in my parents' arms, starting my new life in America.



  1. How neat! Today is the 1 year anniversary of my little sisters adoption becoming finalized.

  2. What a wonderful day to remember!

  3. What a special day!

  4. Celebrations all around!! Today is our 2 year anniversary of our trip to China to bring home our daughter!! I love March 16th!!

  5. wow...I am sure that day and every day after has been so special to them. I know what it's like to wait for such a blessing. Happy arrival day!

  6. What a great day! Thanks for sharing that with us!

  7. Katie, I think I forgot to say, thank you for commenting on my banana bread recipe post! :)

  8. how exciting!! i am SO glad you stepped off that plane... now i have you as a darling friend ♥

  9. Happy Arrival Day (1 Day late!) I am sorry I am late. I wanted to sit down and write a nice note to you and...of course life, kids and craziness took over. I am so happy our lives have crossed and that we have been able to share our adoption stories. Much love to you and your wonderful family on this special day that truly celebrates family!

  10. What a wonderful day to remember! I think that is very special that your mom would call and share that with you today.

  11. That is awesome! What a fun day to celebrate!

  12. Well, welcome to the country, 31 years later! I'm glad you're here.
    I have a cousin from Korea.


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