My little girl, who I used to dress in pink from head to toe, is now into all things Cinderella blue. When we went shopping to pick up a few things for our trip to Florida, instead of coming home with a bag laden with pinkalicious fun, everything was in shades of blues. These jeweled shoes being the highlight of ER's day. Spotted from across the store, they were truly an unbelievable find, in her mind. It seems I have an accessory obsessed girl, the sparkly matching headband also made it's way into the bag! Ah well, at least we brought home blue dresses so there was still plenty of girlishness.
If the weather holds up, you'll see ER in some of her new outfits in the photos from the park. Unfortunately for her, mommy made the executive decision that little feet must be in tennis shoes while at the actual parks. As we packed she was quite miffed at me for leaving behind her pretty jeweled shoes. Apparently I am no fun! They are kinda cute, even if I did think they were a bit gawdy at first, I guess Gap Kids really knows their audience!
5 Friends Said:
Hope you all are having a BLAST!!!!!
If your daughter loves Cinderella, she is going to flip for Disney World!
How fun!
My girls have the same exact shoes from the Gap. The jewel fell off the first week on one pair and shortly after the other pair did the same. I tried different ways to get that jewel back on, but nada. Let me know how they hold up....hopefully that doesn't happen to you. If it does, let me know how you fix it!
Enjoy the vacation!
Those blue shoes are GORGEOUS!!
My daughter would love them too...shes currently rockin' her pink glitter flats at the moment but she loves any blingy/sparkly thing! Girls are great!
Hey if the gem button falls off maybe try hot glueing them back on or super glue...thats what I would try if they were mine.
Great find!
I hope you all are having fun:) Nothing is ever gaudy on little feet;)
Sweet shoes.
Super cute shoes! I'll bet ER hasn't taken them off since you've returned from Disney!!
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