Last week we finished up our holiday family visits, and stopped by to see Great Grandma at her nursing home. Then we went to see Uncle Mike and Aunt Denise, who were in for the holidays from New York.

All of my mom's siblings were able to stop in at one time or another during the night. Above are my mom, Aunt Barb, and Aunt Denise enjoying cookies and coffee after a nice hearty dinner of beef stew. Unce Mike and the "baby" of the family Uncle John are below.

The next day we had my friend Margaret and her two daughters over to exchanged Christmas gifts, lunch, and to play. The girls all had fun with ER's new toys and we ended our visit with cupcake decorating.
3 Friends Said:
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas with your family! Thanks for stopping by my blog as well. And you're right---although there's alot of traveling involved, it is so much fun to see everyone on Christmas Day.
Sounds like a great time! I've given you a couple awards again so stop by and grab them :)
We did have a nice visit!! Only Aunt Margie's pic is missing - but that's because she gave us a "drive-by" visit!!
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