Last Saturday, my family gathered to celebrate my Grandma's 89th birthday. ER gave her a cute paper mosiac heart we made, but Grandma's favorite gift were the hugs and kisses ER gave her. At one point ER was quite shy around Grandma but happily not anymore.

It was an easy craft to do, and inspired by one of ER's favorite Valentine books. She likes it so much that it stays out all year long. She is always talking about making Valentines, specifically hearts like the character in the book, so I designed this project to be successful for her. ER loves to glue and this was a great way to use up all my scrapbook paper scraps.
I traced a heart onto pink cardstock. Then ER squirted out clue inside and layed down the paper pieces. After it dried I cut it out and used glue dots to attach a picture of ER with Great Grandma. It's already being proudly displayed in Great Grandma's room.
8 Friends Said:
Great idea! Woudl you mind sharing the book that you read? I like to read books and then do a craft that applies.
Katie!!! Your little girl is so sweet and beautiful! Thank you for sharing some of her pictures and the crafts you both enjoy! My youngest grandson and granddaughter are 4 yrs and 2 yrs and we love working on crafts together!!!
What a great idea. Your little girl is adorable..oh my that face is too precious! How lucky to be able to celebrate with Great Grandma!
awww, they looks so sweet together!! i bet that just ticked great gma's heart ♥
Very sweet! I am sure Grandmas will cherish the gift from ER...she is probably showing it off as we speak! So cute!
What a wonderful idea! Happy Birthday to your grandmother.
Happy Birthday to your grandma! And what a beautiful mosiac heart ER!
Blessings & Aloha!
(Ah, a day off today, and it took literally all day to get my post together and up! So, I will be back on the weekend to catch up on my blog reading here! Katie, again, I can NOT say enough how wonderful the ROXIO videos are and that I am so thankful for your giveaway! I love the Roxio videos I am able to make :o)
wow 89 Happy Birthday to her! How special. Her heart is beautiful that she made. I bet grandma loved it.
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