The biggest frustration felt by today's parents is in the area of discipline. Family psychologist, best-selling author, and parenting expert John Rosemond uses his thirty-six years of professional experience working with families to develop the quintessential "how to" book for parents. Rosemond's step-by-step program, based on biblical principles, traditional parenting approaches, and common sense, covers a wide range of discipline problems applicable to children from toddler to teen.
Sections include:
- Essential Discipline Principles
- Essential Discipline Tools
- Perplexing Problems and Simple Solutions
- Not Your Everyday Problems
- General Questions and Answers
Filled with real-life examples that anyone who's ever been around children can relate to, this book is sure to be one of the most valuable, helpful resources parents have ever stumbled across.
Okay, it all sounds promising. In the end I had very mixed feeling about Rosemond's theories. The only way I know how to describe them is "old school", with most of the book written in a clinical and textbok manner. I thought he was very critical to anyone who might not agree with him and extremely sarcastic, which I did not really respond to well.
Rosemond supports a very stern, strict, and no nonsense way of things with the parent doing all the directing. Pretty much, it's my way or the highway kiddo. I do think parents should have strong hand in rearing their child, set the standards, and provide corrective feedback. However I also believe that children should be given the opportunity to learn through the natural consequences of their behavior, when appropriate. Furthermore, I think a softer more nuturing approach should be used, I would not feel comfortable doing several of the interventions he suggests.
Disclaimer: I am Thomas Nelson Book Reviewer and received my copy in return for reviewing it. This post relates my own unbiased opinions and experience with it. Yours may differ.
5 Friends Said:
Sounds like an interesting book. I've found that a lot of books like this tend to praise their ideas and demean any others.
One I've loved and recommend is "Creative Correction" by Lisa Welchel.
I'm with you lady...a little too stern and sarcastic. Thanks for posting a very honest, yet informative, review!
My favorite discipline book is "Love and Logic: Magic of the Early Years". I read it because I enjoyed reading "Teaching with Love and Logic". I have a scheduled post about it in the next few days.
Thanks for providing an honest review. I will probably look up the book in the library just to see what it's about. We seem to be fairly consistent on discipline (not necessarily strict, but consistent), and it seems to work well so far.
Great review Katie! My sister has read that and she really thought it was great!
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