Amanda Scott's Seduced By A Rouge is a delightful jaunt back into Scotland's distant past, the fourteenth century to be exact. There are plenty of Scottish terms and appropriate references to bairns and the like to give it, to authenticate it's setting. What clinched my decision to read it, was the first of Five Fun Facts, learning that it was based loosely on a real people.
Publisher Synopsis:
A fair-haired beauty at 19, Lady Mairi is heiress apparent to her father Lord Dunwythie's rich barony. He has carefully taught her how to manage their estates, but a feud between his clan and the Maxwell clan is brewing as the two families edge toward a clan war - their dispute over money owed. Mairi's father believes he owes nothing, and of course Mairi sides with him.
When the impulsive and blue-eyed Rob Maxwell chances to meet Mairi in a barley field, they feel instant attraction, despite their families' antagonisms. Knowing he must put his clan first, Rob enacts a plan to force Dunwythie to pay his debt: Rob kidnaps Mairi, making the abduction appear the work of a stranger; then he and his sheriff-brother offer to help Dunwythis rescue his daughter IF, and only if, he will pay them the monies due. Yet after Rob captures Mairi's body, she captures his heart. When Dunwythie summons the aid of the most powerful clan in all Scotland (the Douglases), clan-tensions rise to a fever pitch. Love takes its own feverish course, as Mairi and Rob join forces to prevent a clash between hot-headed clans, and to protect their budding love.
While some of the events may seem implusible, Scott has skillfully woven them together to create an interesting and well paced tale. I found myself drawn into the story and really wrapped up in what would happen between them. There was a lot of romantic tension and desire between Mairi and Rob and not a lot of bodice ripping, if you know what I mean. Scott also did a good job hooking me into the continuing storyline. I definitely want to know what happened to Mairi's younger sister Fiona and will have to read the next tale in the trilogy to find out.
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5 readers will win a copy of Amanda Scott's new paperback title Seduced By A Rouge
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Disclaimer: Thank you to The Product Review Place for connecting me with the Hatchette Book Group for providing the reviewers and giveaway copies of this book. This post relates my own unbiased experiences and opinions with this book and yours may differ.
10 Friends Said:
How fun! I love to read. It looks like a very fun book!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
I like reading about Australia set in historical fiction. That is one of my favorite genres.
Hi! I'm another historical fiction w/ a twist of romance fan! My favorite time period is anything around the American Revolution, and anything with the development of the American West....oh, and anything to do with any time periods of Scotland/England/Ireland. I do also like paranormals too though ;)
I like historical fiction about periods I don't know too much about...I can learn so much!
I like different historical times, everything from 17th century England to Early Spanish Florida.
I really enjoy historical Romance.
I'd like to read about the Mayans. I've never read any historical books about their ancient civilization.
deborah150 at hotmail dot com
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deborah150 at hotmail dot com
I like to read historical fiction set in Britain in the first half of the 20th century. roschultz49@comcast.net
I like to read historical fiction set in Ireland. I can't exactly say why but I love the Irish accents and the pubs and the interactions between the people.
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