We always put up our tree Thanksgiving weekend, and sometimes a little bit before if I need an early Christmas card photo.

This is the first year ER has been able to really get into it and help. Last year she liked looking at everything but didn't actually put any decorations on. It was so neat to sre her unpack ornaments she remembered, like the felt
Wonder Pets ones we made last year. I am also happy to say she really liked the
handstiched handprint and heart ornaments I also made last year.

We've got a lot nonbreakable ornaments and holiday stuffed animals so ER had plenty to put on, she decorated the whole bottom of the tree. Then she "managed" the rest of the operation by directing Daddy where to put the glass and fragile ornaments up high.

This is my favorite picture from decorating, aren't those girly reindeer antlers from Target's dollar spot cute? We took this picture to send to her Great Grandma, who sent her the musical ballerina ornament she's adding. We're hoping it'll make her forget the
Cinderella one, she's had her eye on for months. But it migh end up making it's way onto our tree anyway.
11 Friends Said:
Such great pictures! Those antlers are adorable! It's so fun that she loved helping decorate the tree. It's amazing how different they can be from one Christmas to the next, they grow so fast! Your tree looks great. :)
Great photos! I love this time of year. And those antlers are adorable. :)
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I love the photo with anthlers - so cute. My daughter was also a lot more involved this year - 3 is a lot more fun than 2 :)
What a cutie she is, putting ornaments on the tree!
Love the pictures of ER! We have a lot of "kid friendly" ornaments as well. This year I just let LC go with it and decorate to his hearts content! Looks like you all had a great time too!
Looks like you are all having so much fun getting ready for a great holiday! ER must be incredibly excited!!
Hi Katie! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying hi! You won my giveaway! YAY! Please email me with a 3-yarn color combo and I will get started on your granny square clutch so I can send it out by the 12th!
She is so cute. Love the photos. We put up our tree on Saturday a little late this year.
I see a mini Katie! She is beautiful!
Your tree skirt is purple!! I love it!! Ours is read and white but we don't have it out yet. Afraid Parker will eat it. You laugh, but I am serious! I have caught him chewing a branch or two!!
Adela also had a kick decorating our tree. She put everything low so once she was done I had to go back and put the ornaments higher. I could only decorate half the tree this year. Yup, Parker:)
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