Yesterday we celebrated my brother's birthday with my family. I was feeling terrible, I pulled my back or something and had a horrible migrane. But by the end of the day I managed to feel well enough for cake and ice cream. It was a trial being up right, but there are some things you just have to do for your family☺
6 Friends Said:
Happy Birthday little bro :) Sorry you were not feeling well hun. How are you today?
Happy Birthday to him and Merry Christmas to your entire family. Hope your holidays are wonderful. ER have a wonderful Christmas. Hope you get all you ask for :)
Katie! I feel your pain :-( I am prone to throwing my back out too. Ouch! Looks like regardless you managed to have a wonderful party. You are a great sister!
Happy Birthday to your brother!
Ooops! Forgot to add, hope you feel better!!!!
Merry Christmas!
Sorry to hear you were feeling bad! I have been having bad headaches lately. Maybe the weather? Who knows...hope you are feeling better!
Happy belated birthday to your little bro!
I hope the migraine and back ache went away for xmas!!??
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