Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thanks Kodak Gallery!

Have you heard about Kodak Gallery's Million Thanks Giveaway? I did when I got an email from Kodak Gallery, and entered right away, during phase one. Today the round ornament I ordered with the $15 gift code I got from Kodak Gallery arrived.

It's the first thing I've ordered from them and a nice way to try out their service. All I had to pay was $3 for shipping, because the $15 off has to be toward product. Still not bad for a custom porcelain ornament, with ER's picture on both sides.

Today is the last day for second phase of the giveaway, so I'd wait until tomorrow to enter. Or there's a chance you'll get a 40% coupon instead of a $15 gift code. With lots of choices under $15, like mugs and soft cover photobooks there's no reason not to!

Phase 3 (Nov 6 – Nov 13)
Minimum 100,000 $15 Gift Codes will be given away

4 Friends Said:

Tara said... 1

Thanks for sharing. Love the ornament...what a nice keepsake!

Vickie said... 2

Thanks for sharing, Katie!! Gonna check it out.

Anonymous said... 3

I ordered a mug can't wait to get it :) Love the ornament

The Activity Mom said... 4

I ordered an ornament. I'm so excited to get it. thanks for sharing this info.

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