We decided to do something just the three of us the day before Thanksgiving. These super cute
Thanksgiving Turkey Sugar Cookies were simple to make and fun family activity.

Begin with one package of refridgerated sugar cookie dough. Break up the cookie dough, knead in 1/4 cup flour until well blended.

Shape dough into a log shape and refridgerate for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Slice log into 16 cookies. If like us you have an over eager toddler, who insists on doing this herself, you may need to reshape mangled dough into balls and press with a glass into circles.

Good thing we have our master baker on hand! I know these premade packages are supposed to be easier but I never fail to burn mine. Bake as directed on package.

Distract toddler by letting her froast her own cookies while you get the remaining cookies ready for decorating.

Spread frosting on outer edge of the top of each cookie. Add candy corn for feathers. Then use orange decorating gel to add the beak and feet details.

Add little dots for eyes and then stick mini M&M on. Add black gel on top of mini M&Ms for centers of eyes. Yummy and very easy to make!

Couldn't resist sharing these two of our little cookie chef in training. We gave her two cookies worth of dough to mash around and cut up over and over. She was so sweet talking about what she was doing the whole time and it kept her occupied while we cleaned from cookie making part one.
Love the tongue sticking out look of extreme concentration, so cute! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy all sorts of delicious family treats today! We can't wait to share our newest sweet treat with the family at my mom's house.
10 Friends Said:
Those are soo super cute!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love this cookie idea, it would keep busy hands out of mommy's way during turkey prep! And they're pretty cute too.
What a super cool idea! Love all the adorable pictures too, lol!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I keep wanting to make those, but I ate most of our candy corn. ;) Great shots, and they came out adorable.
Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving..these are so cute! love your blog!
Those cookies looks so cute! I would be eating the candy corn first:)
The pictures of ER are so cute! Her total concentration made me smile.
I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!
very cute cookies and i really like your shirt too!!
OH I wish I'd seen these!! That's what I get for missing out on posts as soon as they go up:-).
These are great!!
Oh, so cute! I wish I would have seen these before we made our turkey treats on Thanksgiving! I might have done these instead! There's always next year! ;)
These are the perfect cookies for me, it has all my favorite candies in the ingredients!
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