Maridith, comment
11 and who said: BTW- I have been a dedicated follower for a while...trying to get bonus points here!! Thank you to everyone who entered!!! I'm announcing a few hours early because I will away at a funeral all day tomorrow.

Today I have a giveaway perfect for all my crafty friends who sew! I know everyone is busy planning and getting ready for Halloween! How about having a little fun with a "Not-so-Scary" Halloween Giveaway from one of my favorite companies (YCMT)? One winner will win a
$50 bundle of Halloween downloads. Your prize will come emailed directly to you and you'll be ready to get busy in time to finish a few projects before October 31st!
Hang on to your sewing machine's cause this list is LONG...the winner'sbundle includes the following books:
Fancy Filled Tutu with Bonus 40 Tutu "Recipes", SEW a tutu and FILL it with all kinds of sweet treasures, rose petals, confetti, and more. See the how to and get 40 ideas for what to put in your tutu with it. I just saw a little girl wearing one like this and all I could think was HOW on earth did that mom make that? Now I'll be the one every mommy is jealous of☺
Pumpkin Polly Patterns, Patterns include: Pumpkin Polly, Katie Kitty, Stars, Moon,"Just Boo-tiful" You know if you win, you are going to HAVE to get that skirt pattern too! What a great look!
Paper Piecing Project: Pumpkin Patch Pillow, instructions for completing the pillow, as well as the foundation (paper-piece) pattern are included.
Frayed Applique: Too Cute to Spook! Applique patterns include: witch with spider hanging from hat, frankenstein, spider, ghost, 4 different pumpkins (includes 2 that are "patchwork"), whimsical haunted house, candy corn, a large, whimsical witch hat, witch broomstick, bat, moon, 2 stars,"trick-or-treat","boo" to you!
Little Miss Spider Applique Patterns: Patterns include: Jack-o-lantern, Spider, Lollipop, Candy Corn, "Boo" with a pumpkin as the "o", a whimsical "Trick or Treat", Ghost, Bat
How to Applique the Easy Way, you may have noticed several of these ebook involve applique. If you've never done it before, don't let that scare you off! Maybe you think learning to appliqué is too hard or requires too much time. Learn to easily appliqué apparel, home décor and more. The expert author takes you through each step from start to finish, with easy to follow instructions. Over 20 photos help you start jazzing up everything from clothing to towels!
Hocus Pocus Patterns, includes: the "GoGo" witch, broom, and frog. Stars and whimsical shape, "Hocus Pocus", cauldron, black cat with a witch hat, jack-0-lantern. I love that little witch in the picture, wouldn't it be great to customize the colors of the fabric so it looked like your little one?
Just a Little Something for a Happy Halloween Table Runner, add this table runner to any room! If you'd rather not make one for Halloween, try the same pattern for a Fall look! Leave off the spider applique and create with warm colors of oranges, browns, and blues - your end result will be stunning! Not only do you get a great project but I also enjoy seeing how the designer combined fabrics. It gives me the confidence to try something with this many colors too!
Please view each pattern on
YCMT to see the complete details on what's included. With some much many great designs you'll be able to show a little spooky and some more cute that spooky style during the Fall and Halloween season! Get ready to twirl around in your tutu, dress your table, and add some flair to your celebrations with some unique appliques to add to your child's clothing, home decor like towels, trick-or-treat totes, or even on pillows as part of your October decorating! I can't wait to see what the winner does with her patterns!
a $50 Bundle of "Not-so-Scary" Halloween ebooks from
YCMT! Titles included as shown above.
To Enter:
Leave me a comment telling me what you or your child will be for Halloween {or} tell me how you're going to celebrate Halloween.
Earn Extra Entries By: {Leave an additional comment for each extra entry}
Following my blog publically.
Posting my link button.
Subscribing by email, use the gadget at the bottom of the page.
Tell me what other product you'd love from
YCMTSign up for any of YCMT newsletter, many come with free projects so you can see for yourself how well written and clear
YCMT instructions are!
Second Chances:
My good friend and blogging partner
Katie from A Listmaker's Life is also hosting the SAME giveaway! Head over for another chance to win! Tell her I sent ya'!
Good Luck!!! Giveaway open worldwide for one week, until Oct 14 midnight EST so you'll have time to get sewing and finish projects before it's time to trick-or-treat!
27 Friends Said:
I'd love this! My daughter is going to be a butterfly (made the wings last year) and the baby will be a pumpkin.
I follow!
I'm a follower!!
I think my daughter is going to be a queen. Not sure about my son. I guess as soon as he figures that out I will leave another comment!! :)
I love this giveaway! Aubrey is going to be a Ladybug and Livy is going to be a bumblebee. I am half way done making them.
Thanks for this great giveaway! I would love to enter!!!
I cannot tell you however, what we are going to be for halloween and how we are going to celebrate. Simply because - well, my due date is November the 1st ... so this year we are planning to skip most of Halloween ... unless the baby comes really early and we feel like having a little halloween fun. Halloween is not that big overhere in Germany so it is easy to "skip" it. But I will tell you how we celebrated last year - hope that still counts for the give-away! :-) My daughter was a witch and I was witch, too and my husband was a magician. We met up with a cousin of mine and her kids and went to a small zoo who had a Halloween Party. They had ghosts and lanterns and a fire show and lots more. It was really nice! If we do end up going there this year again - the party is every year - we will probably use the same costumes. Unless I win the giveaway ... ;-)
I am already following your blog.
I already receive at least one (maybe even more) YCMT newsletter. Does that count?
(I love that store. They have so many cool projects!)
Honey count me in!! Don't you think it is time I win one of your give-aways?? (wink)
My son is going to dress up like a dog and my daughter like a cat...get it...they get along like cats and dogs!! I am cheesy I know!! To celebrate we have a couple halloween parties to go to and on Halloween day we go to church for a carnival!! It is so much fun!!
BTW- I have been a dedicated follower for a while...trying to get bonus points here!!
Other things from YCMT that I would love ... hard one! I simply cannot pick one single one! Not possible. I LOVE all the clothe sewing stuff for kids. (However, I realized there is only little for boys.) I also love the crochet patterns, like Old Fashioned Basket Weave Pinafore and Cloche - SO CUTE!!! Or the Midnight Neck Wrap. Would love to make one for myself! Looks so cute and cozy. And no more hazzle with the scarf that always slips from my shoulder ... Or these cute crochet slippers for babies and toddlers (called Fanci-Flats). So cute! Well, I could go on and on ... :-)
I am going to be a witch I would love to win the 50 e-books Sussan
Pick me!!!!
I'm dressing up as a Spanish dancer, and Emily is either going to be Word Girl from PBS Kids or Lynx(sp?) from the Zelda video game. We are suffering from a major case of indecisiveness with regards to Halloween costumes at the moment.
valerie (at)
I'm also a follower! :-)
This is the best giveaway ever!
Molly is going to be a ducky for halloween, she even picked it out herself! :)
I'm a follower
They have a lot of stuff, but another product I'd love is the barnyard ball toys. :)
My boys are being Clone Wars characters and my girl is being Wonder Woman.
I'm drooling over the mini-kimi doll, okay there's about 5 others as well. Like the pirate doll, and there's some fabulous felt food patterns.
I get all of the YCMT newsletters, you can quilt, sew, SWAK...... I'm a big fan of theirs.
OMGoodness! I'm so glad I'm getting caught up with your blog and found this! I actually don't have some of these YCMT patterns!
For Halloween I have one Cleopatra and one mermaid.... both store bought this year! ;)
I'm a follower! :)
I would love to learn how to do the hand-stamped jewelry!
I already subscribe to the YCMT newsletter!
I lucked out and both my kids wanted Grandma to make their costume. (they thought of this idea on their own too!). My daughter is going to be a pink princess and my son Davey Jones.
I am going to celebrate halloween passing out candy. Not sure what I will be yet, last year I was a bunch of grapes so I am trying to think of something to beat that.
This is such a great give away!! I'd love all these to add to my collection. My daughter will be 6 and my son will be 2 this Halloween, and they are going to be Mickey and Minnie. I'm working on the Minnie skirt now! I love your blog!
~Rachael (
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