Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We're in Family Fun Magazine!!!

I am so excited, I can hardly stand it!!! Do you remember the Ocean Themed Play Date I hosted last August? Well I got a lot of my activities from the August edition of Family Fun Magazine and actually remembered to email them my pictures.
Right away I got a response, telling me that they were on deadline but hadn't found a blog to feature in their mailbag for the November issue. After some emailing back and forth with details, we got the news that we were in! It's especially exciting because ER loves to look at the magazine and point out the fun activities that she wants to do. She was so thrilled when I showed her, her pictures. What a fun moment for us! I've already put aside an extra copy for her to keep.Family Fun Magazine has subscribers for life now! If you haven't heard of this magazine, it's a must read! Full of creative activities to do with your kids, way to celebrate holidays and birthdays, parenting advice, and more I started reading it when I was a kindergarten teacher and have ever since. Now is a great month to check it out at the newstand if you haven't perused one before! Their website is also a must see resource.

24 Friends Said:

Missy said... 1

Oh my goodness! How exciting, Katie! Love that magazine, too. Your daughter looks so cute in the mag!

Annette W. said... 2

I had meant to tell you I saw ER!!

Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog said... 3

Wow, congratulations!! This is so exciting! ER looks adorable (as always). I'll be keeping an eye out for the Nov. issue!

Crystal said... 4

Thats so exciting!

Sami Jo said... 5

I totally saw that post! Awesome - you're famous!

Anonymous said... 6

congratulations, Katie! our library carries it so I can't wait to see it "live"! ☺ ♥

onegirliegirl said... 7

That is sooo cool! Lifestyles of the rich and famous!

xoxo ~Lisa

c allen said... 8

congrats! that is sooo exciting!

Courtney said... 9

How EXCITING!!! We get and love this magazine!

Cheryl said... 10

My November issue just came today so I literally just saw that ten minutes ago. I was just skimming through the magazine and when I saw the picture took a double take.. she looks familiar and then realized what it was. Congrats!

Holly said... 11

That's awesome, Katie! Congrats!

Seener Beaner said... 12

That is soooooooo exciting!! Congratulations, you rock!!!!!

The Activity Mom said... 13

That's awesome! Congrats! We love that magazine too!

Kim @ Life of a Modern Mom said... 14

I am SO EXCITED for you guys! Best magazine ever!

Nicole said... 15

Great! ER is soooo cute! I will check this magazine out. I am always looking for new ideas for "family fun"!

♥ Noelle ♥ said... 16

that is SO cool!!!!

Bobbi & Noe said... 17

OMgosh! I feel like a goof but I saw that and I told my husband "that little girl looks so familiar, is she in cheer with the girls?" "I know her from somewhere!" Then I thought, I've even seen that crown before, which is super weird. Why would a girl wear that crown around town?


Nicole {tired, need sleep} said... 18

How exciting! I love that magazine - congratulations!!

Anonymous said... 19

How exciting is that. Very neat congrats!

Laura said... 20

Congrats! So cool that you are featured!

Vickie said... 21


I love this magazine! I have a subscription to this magazine!

Did it already come out! What month? I may have missed it!!

If I did, Jason already put our stuff at the recycling center:(

I am gonna have to go to the library and find it!

How exciting for you guys!

Vickie said... 22

Okay, my subscription is over, but my mother-in-law still gets it and will make it her first prioity to read it and give it to me:)

Just got off the phone with her.

Jenny said... 23

That's so cool! I just got this month's issue, but haven't read it yet.

SomerJane at Daisys and Diggers Blog said... 24

Hey just had to stop by to say I got my Family Fun in the mail and saw you made the MAG! Congrats!
Your daughter looked so cute!
Maybe one day I will email myself the mag and will be famous like you guys! Congrats again!!!

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