Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jack o Lantern Shaker Box

The last month or so my favorite children's clothing store has been been giving away samples of a stain booster, which I have greedily snapped up. Not because I'm uber excited about stain removal, although come to think of it, ER's such a messy eater I should be! The sample was completely secondary in my mind to the cool box it came in. Each box is about six by six inches, so it's pretty sizable, with a cool flap and indentation which I knew would make it perfect to turn into a shaker frame. So I covered it with paper and mod podge.On the back of the flap I printed out a cute little poem and embellished with stickers. Nothing too fancy or 3D because I wanted it to close.Here is a close up of the shaker frame side. To make it I cut a piece of transparency, the kind you can run through your computer printer, to size. Then I attached to the box with double sided tape. I added some pumpkin seeds before adhereing the fourth side. I should've added a few more, but it was too late when I discovered that. Then I decoupaged pattern paper over the transparency.I had to decorate the back and side a little too! I added the year and ER's name on the side. I just took the picture before I finished that detail. I think it turned out super cute and I love my upcycled sample container. It sits open most of the time on my desk and I love seeing my little pumpkin while I type away.

This is is my October contribution to Xazmin's Mod Podge Mania, so get craftin' and add your links up at her place on Halloween!

Updated 2010: Also shared at: Paper Issues and
Anything Halloween Party Button


  1. What an AWESOME idea!!! I have one of these too! Guess what I'm going to be doing this afternoon!!!

    ~ Jennifer

  2. Oh my gosh! This is just adorable!

  3. You rock my crafty world! So cool! I love the little extra touches...the seeds, the back design.

  4. You may just be the most creative person in the world. This is so awesome! I would've loved the box too and wanted to use it for "something" but then it would've sat in my basement forever because I just can not come up with these things! It looks great!!

  5. Very cute. That is wonderful! Thanks for the idea :)

  6. That is so cool!! How creative. Okay...I gotta go look thru my recycling and see if I have anything good to use:)

  7. I got one of those the other day too... and almost gave it to my mom. What was I thinking?!!!

  8. Holy smokes...that is so clever! It turned out adorable...I just love it! Thanks for linking up!

  9. Way to think out of the box. That is such a clever idea and it turned out super cute. Thanks for linking up to Everything Halloween.

  10. This is so darn clever!!!
    I love that it is upcycled too!!!!


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