Yesterday we finally got out to get our carving pumpkin. It's the third year we've gone to the pumpkin patch that's so close, we drive by it on a daily basis. It's nice to know we're supporting a local farmer in our community.

We've had a lot of rain lately so it was a bit muddy, but we still enjoyed our walk out to the pumpkin patch. Lots of really big ones were scattered everywhere.

As much as we liked the ride, we still took the hay ride back. On our way to the car we even ran into some of our friends, so it was nice to chat a few moments with them. But we had to get going soon, we had a busy day with lots to do still ahead of us.

We met up with our friends and went trick-or-treating at the stores downtown. Everyone was thrilled to have a nice sunny day to enjoy. It's so nice to go in the daytime, when you can see everyone's costumes and see where you're going! Since it was one of the first nice days we've had in awhile, it was really crowded and some places ran out of treat early, but all the girls still ended up with lots of candy.

But one of the biggest treats for ER wasn't something sweet to eat. She got to get her nails painted at one of the salons. This was big stuff for a three year old and very exciting!

They also were doing face painting at the same salon. Nail polish and glittery flowers for her face, what more is there? How about a few games to play? ER actually got a mini pumpkin through one of the holes this time. It sure helped being extra close to the target☺

After an hour and half of trick-or-treating we all went back to Margaret and Eric's and then the Dads gave the Moms a treat by watching the girls for us. We escaped for a short shopping trip before meeting up for pizza. Whew that was a lot to fit into one day!
4 Friends Said:
Wow, what a fun outing. I love that ER got her nails painted, she looks so into it.
ER's face is priceless while getting her nails painted!
ER looks so serious getting her nails painted.
Looks like a busy yet fun day.
This is going to be the first year we are not going to have a real pumpkin. Oh well.
It looks like you have had some fun fall festivities! I love the large pumpkin and the cute little princess!
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