Today was a beautiful sunny day and we enjoyed most of it outside, at one of ER's little friend's 3rd birthday party. But we've also had some cooler days already, that have gotten me thinking about one of my favorite things to do in the fall. Making weekend trips to the various apple orchards and pumpkin patches was a seasonal treat my family did most years, many times.

We'd often make the trek up to the outlying farm communities to buy fresh fruit. It's where I developed my fondness for candy apples and kettle corn. Back in the day these places weren't that elaborate, but now many have turned into full fledged attractions with pony rides, hay mazes and pyramids, petting zoos, and more.

Two years ago, September was a transitional month for us. Brad was still in New Mexico finishing up at his job at the Los Alamos Nat'l Lab and packing up the apartment. ER and I had already moved back to Michigan and spent the month living with my parents. One warm afternoon we all packed into their car and went day tripping so that ER could see her first apple orchard and taste her first freshly made donut and apple cider.

For this page, I used two premade sticker tags and cut out a frame in them and layerd detail pictures and rub ons in them. This farm had a great outdoor animal section and live music that ER enjoyed dancing too. Since these pictures were taken two years ago, it was before she'd had many opportunities to see livestock. Now that we live out in the country she'd had lots of opportunities to see them, but her little excited face was quite something to see at the time. She liked the small animals but was quite intimidated by the larger ones, even though they were behind a fence.
At our third stop they have quite a large operation going on, complete with lots of animal attractions in a barn and under the tent. We saw baby chicks and bunnies in the barn and lots of pushy goats in the pen. ER was terrified of the goats and kept trying to crawl up farther on Papa.
For this page, I free handed a gentle curve on the patterned paper. Then I covered up the seam between the patterned and solid green cardstock with foam leaf shapes. There are rub ons, on the bottom shape and I wasn't sure if they'd work on the foam but I love how it came out.

Here's the entire scrapbook page of the detail picture at the top of the page. I free hand drew the swirls and then hand back stitched all of them. The metal leaf I covered in stamping ink and then embossed twice with clear embossing ink. I was afraid that the page would look to busy with all the patterned paper but it ended up being on of my all time favorites. Hard to believe a busy road is on the otherside of the display, isn't it?
9 Friends Said:
Grrrrreat pages, Katie! I especially love the little apple tag thingies! ♥
Katie, those pages are great. I love the journaling and the cute embellishments. I need to get working on my scrapbooks.
Ok your scrapbook pages make mine look pathetic! We have two upcoming trips to pumpkin patches/corn mazes soon. It will be Andrew's first time so I am excited and will have the camera close by!
wow!! you do great pages!! i agree with tara, mine look so sad compared to yours!! lol
My favorite scrapbooking pages are Fall-themed! I'm a big fan of all the colors and the activities of Fall are so much fun to scrapbook. You did a great job adding some fun embellishments and journaling. I really need to scrapbook again!!
Your work is fabulous! I am very impressed & gained a few great ideas from this..
THANKS for posting it!
Oh, I absolutely love the Fall, and your page layouts are gorgeous! Way to go!!
What talent! These are adorable!
I just entered your big art giveaway. I am not sure if my initial entry went through, I do not see it, but I am wondering if it is awaiting moderation. If it didn't go through can you let me know so I can re-submit it? Thanks, I would hate to be disqualified!
Hey Big Red!! We were there for Labor Day weekend!
The pages are great. I love the embroidered swirl you did. It really adds to the page!
Adela was loving the animals at Big Red. Then all of a sudden it freaked her out. The roosters were too loud and the cow started to scare her. Weird.
Thanks for the linky love:)
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