While going places was a lot of fun, getting there wasn't always. I am sure my mom often wished for more room in the backseat between me and my younger brother. I was lucky and could read in the car when I was younger. Now it gives me motion sickness but then I was fine. My mom always sought out ways to distract and entertain us along the way. I'm sure that if Rand McNally's Boredom Breakers had been available then, she'd have snapped them up.
Rand McNally, the venerable American company that has been helping families find their way for more than a century, just introduced a series of innovative games and activities to keep kids entertained and families connected in the car. The Boredom Breakers™ line is a refreshing alternative to portable DVD players and handheld video games many families use to pass time on long road trips or while shuffling around town. The products are designed to bring families together, encouraging conversation, laughter and fun making the miles fly by for moms and kids on the go.

Rand McNally developed the five games based on extensive parent research. Moms across the country were clear about what they like - creative activities that make kids laugh and allow family members to learn more about one another - and what they don’t like - games with a lot of little pieces.
With that, Boredom Breakers were born! The five activities are sold separately at RandMcNally.com and Amazon.com. Tell stories, solve mysteries, play car games, sing classic pop tunes, discover new things about each other…and do it together as the hours quickly pass.
The part I liked best is that the stickers are removable, so if you're going some place else next month you can start over and make a new one. The stickers themselves are not reusable, so that does mean there will be a limited number of time you can use the Magnet Message Makers. The magnets really are easily removable, my daughter had a lot of fun putting ours on and off and on and off. But since they are so easily taken off, make sure you put it in your glove box when you arrive at your destination.
Once the removable stickers are used up, I think creating a special Magnet Message Maker, maybe an "I love my family" one would be a fun activity. You can use your own stickers or even permanent markers to decorate it and get even more use out of them.
I was happiest about the fact that several of the activities are suitable for a three year old but still interesting enough for older kids as well. Some of the games included are simple like Car Chase: seeing who can spot the highest number things commonly seen from a car like red cars, license plates with the number 9, etc. We did this out load and worked on counting together in the car. She's squeal excitedly, "I see another Mama!"
Other are a bit more complex, like making up as the longest silly sentence you can think of in one minute. ER likes to play Freeze Frame, even though she doesn't actually play it right. She just giggles away as I act all silly making poses and faces. When we're supposed to freeze and see how can hold their pose the longest she just laughs and laughs. I wonder what the people driving by think of all this!
There are five great Boredom Breaker's available, and I really want all five but ER isn't old enough for the two I liked the most:
Story Starters: Packed with 72 minutes of funny stories, mysteries and games, this interactive CD will be an instant road trip hit. Story Starters combines the best of classic radio-style drama and audio effects to get families telling stories together. Hearing is truly believing!
Travel Card Games: Travel Card Games features three great games to pass time and start conversations. Includes a slim storage box to easily stow in the backseat pocket.
Deck #1: 30 Second Interview features rapid fire questions to get families talking and learning about each other.
Deck #2: I Saw it First includes pictures you might see out the window on a trip, and the twist is they have point values. The rarer the item, the more points it is worth.
Deck #3: Tough Choice is the game that gets kids and grown ups thinking, reasoning and laughing TOGETHER. Each card has a “Tough Choice” question to ponder and explain.
Deck #2: I Saw it First includes pictures you might see out the window on a trip, and the twist is they have point values. The rarer the item, the more points it is worth.
Deck #3: Tough Choice is the game that gets kids and grown ups thinking, reasoning and laughing TOGETHER. Each card has a “Tough Choice” question to ponder and explain.
Don't those sound like fun? Check out Rand McNally's Boredom Breakers the next time you'd like to avoid the endless, "Are we there yet," questions!
Disclaimer: Thank you to Rand McNally for providing the review products.
5 Friends Said:
Great stuff! We're going on a long road trip... leaving tomorrow. Too bad I don't have these. Next time!
Hey Katie
I just wanted to say thank you for your nice words over on the old bloggeroo. It has been so rough lately and I have needed them =)
I was gonna give you a call yesterday but I didnt know what was a good time or not. Just lemme know!
Talk to you soon
What cool ideas! Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely have to look into this!
those are great!! gavin would really like them!
These looks very fun! Maybe in a year or so, Andrew would be interested. I'll keep something like this in mind for the future.
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