Today I decided to be super clever and try a little fine motor activity the OT suggested eons ago for my kids who were still making huge glue gobs in kindergarten. Make little dots on the paper so you child has a guide for where to put the glue and about how much. The idea is to cover the dot and only the dot with glue.
It went okay, but that's to be expected. She is after all 3 not 5. I think she was just relieved to see the glue bottle again! Plus she really liked sticking down my paper scraps, pom poms, and foam shapes. We're going to take it to Great Grandma so she has a new masterpiece to hang in her room at the nursing home.
With Susana's encouragement in the comment section, I did add this to Teaching My Little Bookworm's Opened Ended Art post. Both ladies continually amaze and inspire me with the things they share on their blog and contribute regularly to ABC & 123.
10 Friends Said:
Great idea to make the little dots on the paper. She looks like she's doing great!
She did such a good job with this Katie. You should link this up with open ended art this week--it goes perfectly with the paper mosaic/collage theme!
I think she did great! It is so hard for them to control themselves at that age... and they all seem to have such a love for glue in a bottle! My son especially.
Katie, I got such a kick out of seeing this today. It just made me smile. I think my little Rachel would LOVE to do this project and I think it would be a great way to keep her little hands busy for a while!
I never actually thought of drawing dots first--it's a great idea. Thanks.
what a pretty mosaic and great grandma will love it! :)
so glad you participated this week hope to see you around more! next week is beans! :)
It is so cute and am glad you shared the dot tip! I am going to have to try it.
I am excited to see you at Open Ended Art. Your project turned out so very pretty.
Yay! So glad you added this:-).
ER did a great job!! My girls love glue too, but Adela still just likes to make big blobs while Michaela actually tries to make something.
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