Well it may be the second day of September, and the weather's already begun to cool down around here, but lately, this is what I just can't get enough of. It's one of the easiest things I make, but freshly picked tomatoes and cucumbers are a must. I eat bowlfuls at a time. There is just something about the taste of a straight from the garden cucumber, that's so different from one of those shiny waxed up ones from the super market. We are devouring all the fresh veggies and fruit from the local farm stands, can't get enough of the sweet corn and locally grown melons. How 'bout you? What is your favorite summer time dish?
7 Friends Said:
I wish I liked tomatoes because this is always at our family outings and always looks delicious. I love my pasta salad. Its yummy! Glad to be back online. Have a great week
fave summer dish... probably a macaroni or potato salad... which i have to avoid for now:(
So agree! I love this salad too! Sometimes if I want to make it more of a hardy meal I add garbonzo beans to it and then freshen it up with cilantro! Totally awesome!
I have 4 CT girls right now but know I'll need more so just send links when you can :) No rush. I may/may not be adding at the time you submit. Just a matter of timing but there's definitely no pressure :)
Oooh... that looks yummy. I love watermelon in the summer. It's cooling and refreshing. :O)
I'm pretty weird I guess because I do not eat cucumbers (but LOVE pickles), cantaloupe or watermelon. I do love most everything else from the farmer's market and we've been quite a few times this year!
This looks yummy! Have you tried cucumber and watermelon salad? It's so good with a little celantro and lime juice.. Yummm!!!
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