Saturday, August 22, 2009

For a Good Time...Get Sewing!

One of my New Year's resolutions was to get out my dust covered sewing machine and actually make a few things on it. I've actually done a bit better than I thought, but I'd love to learn more. To be honest, it's been more trial and error and a lot of error in that! When my friend Valerie at Frugal Family Fun Blog told me that she's starting a FREE Sewing in Baby Steps online workshop I had to sign up. I hope some of you will join me, we'd love to have you along for the adventure. Stop by Valerie's to learn more about it, and sign up by August 31st.


  1. Thank goodness my mom is wonderful with her sewing machine. I learned a little in school but now, I couldn't even sew a button on if I tried.

  2. I joined the group. I'm anxious to learn something about sewing.

    Have a nice weekend.

  3. I may have to check this out! I am such a non-sewer! I would like to learn though!

  4. Good luck sewing--still scares me a bit. Don't tell anyone, but I actually failed sewing in 7th grade--yes failed. My sewing bug mom was mortified. I haven't gotten any better:).

  5. Thanks for blogging about this. I just signed up and am totally excited! :-)

  6. YAY! So glad your sewing, can't wait to see what you make :)


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