Remember when
I told you about the
KaZam bike I won for ER? Here are the pictures of her on it, as promised. It's the cutest thing, because it's so small. It's the perfect size for her and hot pink so she loves it!
ER really likes her big girl bike, and wants to ride it all the time. It's still a little early for her to be on it, since she only just mastered her tricycle at the start of this summer. But when it arrived on our door step her little face lit up. I just couldn't make her wait to get it at Christmas, like I planned.
She's very wobbily and a long way from being able to do anything but walk with it. She's just so proud to be on her big girl bike, just like all the older kids in the neighborhood.

I've got exciting news, Michelle from
Flying Giggles & Lollipops is giving away another
KaZam bike, during her upcoming
Birthday Bash. She's going to have some other great sponsors, so be sure to stop by! Thank you again to
Michelle for hosting such a great giveaway; ER is so happy we won her
KaZam bike from you@

Be sure to visit and enter through the Birthday Bash Post!
6 Friends Said:
I am so happy she enjoys her bike. It is fantastic she feels like a big girl! Why is it so hard for us to save things for Christmas?
Thanks for announcing my bash!
She is so precious! What a great looking bike! I'm off to check out her blog now... thanks for the heads-up!
Now THAT is a great giveaway to win. She will master that little bicycle in no time I bet!
Katie, do you mind if I link to this post on my KaZAM Giveaway post during the birthday bash?
OK, there is nothing you can't win:-)! ER looks so cute on her big girl bike too:-).
Oh! ER you look so grow up with your bike! HeeHee!!! tooo cute!
Blessings & Aloha!
(trying to catch up on reading...wow! Katie...I have missed so much in a week and a half! I will try to read and not comment on each of your posts.)
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