Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why Doesn't This Ever Happen to Me? {and} My Life in Pictures

I came across this video on Amber's blog Everything Except the Grill and had to snag it share too. This is way too much fun and if this is what might happen when riding a train in Belgium than I'm so there☺ I just love how it spreads a little happiness and we could all use more of that, right?

BTW Amber is having a very fun photo challenge that starts next week and is very easy to participate in. All you need is one picture a day; it looks like a great way to capture details of your life.

Here are the assignments:
Monday- Summer Fun
Tuesday- A Favorite
Wednesday- Out and About (anywhere but home)
Thursday- Something You Are Proud Of
Friday- Something (or someone) in Black & White

I plan to join in and I hope some of you decide to too. Visit Amber's post on the My Life in Pictures Challenge to find out the rest of the details. Let me know if you'll "be" there☺


  1. That sounds like a fun photo activity. I might just have to try that.

  2. I can't wait to see your photos! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you next week!

  3. The photo challenge does sound like fun. Can't wait to see what you post!

  4. I love the video!! That is one of my most favorite movies ever!!! What a fun idea, and I love the photo challenge too!

  5. I was thinking.."Did this really happen?" Then it hit me, it is a commercial. I am so slow:)

    The challenge seems fun. I am looking forward to what your show!

  6. Katie,

    Sorry I just realized I had two messages from you in spam. I know you already posted about the photo challenge but that is great... encourage anyone to come join in the fun... the more the merrier!

  7. LOVE that video! That is AWESOME! I so need to link that one.

  8. What a great way to end my day. Thanks for the smile! :)

  9. Well hello! Your girl is adorable. I wish we had an extra pair of the flower sandals to share, you are right they go with everything!

  10. If that ever does happen to you I better be there!!!!!

  11. this dose sound like fun! (I'll have to see if I can get caught up... and join in...)

    Blessings & Aloha!

    (also, I learned more about buttons and just grabbed yours to add to my marquee :o) Come by and let me know what you think? This is a major biggy for computer challenged me! haha

  12. Oops. one more thing...

    You say you'd love to exchange buttons...
    when I finally learn how to and design a button of my own, I will be sure to let you know :o)

    and I love finding new comments on my blog, so please dont be shy :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!


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