Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Past 3 Years: A PhotoShow

Today is ER is 3 years old! Where has the time gone? I can't believe how much she's grown and changed in such a short time! Today we'll be celebrating with a big party with all her little friends. She is so excited☺ I am sure I'll take way too many pictures and have a lot to share with you soon.

For now, I wanted to share this 3 year retrospective I made with Roxio PhotoShow. Just click play and then be sure to turn on the sound. You can see the pictures best by clicking full screen.

It's such a neat program to play around with and I was even able to use pictures I've already uploaded onto Shutterfly in it. This is an example of a free version, but soon my Roxio Photoshow account will be upgraded to a premium one and I'll have lots of new features to play around with. Plus I'll be giving away a free premium membership too so be on the look out for my review and giveaway post☺


  1. Katie,
    What a neat video. Is there a way to burn it to a dvd to keep for ER?
    Hope you enjoy your day with your special little 3 year old!!

  2. Happy Birthday ER!

    Your giveaways are great!

  3. She is a doll! & what a great video to look back on.

  4. Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!

    Hope you have a magical day!

    Great video!

  5. Happy Birthday ER!! What a wonderful day!!

  6. This is really beautiful Katie you did a wonderful job.

  7. Happy 3th Birthday Er!!! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  8. Wow she is so precious. I love the slideshow. Thanks for sharing!


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