We celebrate three birthdays in July, Brad's on the 9th, ER's on the 21st, and an extra special one on the 28th, my mom's 60th! Last Sunday we all went out for a nice family dinner together and then stopped at the park we've been having our birthday picnic at, to walk and play a little.

My Dad, Mom, and ER on one of the bridges over the stream that runs through the park.

The July birthdays, on my mom's front garden bench. Please note Brad is in the first green shirt I've been able to get him in, other than one he once got for free. When we uploaded these pictures I thought it was amusing the one time he wears a green shirt, he and my mom end up looking like bookends for ER. A little too matchy matchy, and if you knew him, you'd know he SO doesn't find that amusing...but I DO, LOL.

The required family picture.

Me and my mom, taken because she wanted it and it's hard to refuse a birthday wish no matter how much you want to. Seriously, what is up with that ridiculous poof in my hair?

My mom really likes these garden gazing balls. I do not understand the facination with them, but it's her birthday not mine. ER seems to like them a lot, but she likes most shiny things☺

This is only in here so I can remember the "good" birthday outfit I put her in this year. With the party being at an indoor climbing and play structure a long dress wasn't practical and I've waited an entire year to see her in this dress. It finally fits. I am a sucker for the smocking, especially since there are strawberries on it. I love all the classic details like the peter pan collar and of course the big giant bow in the back.
I fell for this dress when I first saw it at
Lily Pulitzer, but at $125 it was way out of our price range. When ER's Godmother saw it at TJ Maxx for $40, I just had to have it. Even though 40 bucks is still way more than I'd normally spend. Needless to say I made her wear another outfit to eat spaghetti and meatballs in and run around the park.

ER's dream comes true, a Cinderella dress up dress and there are even shoes too☺ When I asked ER what she wanted this was all she said over and over, followed by a Cinderella doll. Grandma Norma took care of that wish. My child, spoiled? Whatever gives you that idea? When she got this she immediately began jumping up and down and ran around and hugged everyone, telling them thank you.

Did I mention we are
Lily Pulitzer fans? Here's our newest one, a gift from
Godmommy Alicia out in Arizona. With the exception of the strawberry smocked dress, she's the one who feeds our addiction. This one is very fun because it has flamingos on it; ER loves her birdie dress. Thank's Alicia! We miss you♥

Time to eat cake! Old habits linger, we didn't eat at the park we normally go to but we stopped by anyway and we had to get our dessert from the same place as usual too.

ER and Uncle Dave, who couldn't come to her birthday party because it was during the week and he had to work. Geez sometimes it stinks to have to grow up, huh? We missed you there Dave but were glad we got to celebrate with you early☺
6 Friends Said:
Great pictures, Katie! Happy Birthday to all of the July birthdays especially ER. We love Lilly too! There is nothing cuter than a little girl in a Lilly dress!! You can find some fantastic deals at Marshall's too!
That Cinderella dress is gorgeous!
Glad everyone have a great day. Happy Birthday to all of them.
August is our birthday month (Mine is 1, my mom 15 and Pablo 17).
Have a great Sunday
July is definitely the birthday month around here for friends and family. Happy Birthday ER!!
Katie!! Your hair is fine!! My mother in law loves those garden balls too. She also put some Up North!
Love the Cinderella dress! Michaela and Adela would be fighting over it!
Our birthday month is March. Jason, me, His Dad, His Sister, His Uncle and his Grandma. We just celebrate on one day.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Love the "matching tshirts" ;o)
And ER is such a cutie!
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