The most glorious time of the year has arrived in our garden. The lilac bushes are in full bloom and our back yard is permeated with the fragrance of lilacs. It is a beautiful sight, and one I thought we might not get this year, which makes it all the more sweeter. Everywhere else it seems the lilacs have been and gone, so these late blooms are truly cherished.

Last year we had tons of blooms all over. Since it was our first year in the house, we didn't know to cut back the bush to encourage more flowers this year, until it was too late. Most of the lilacs are toward the top of the bush, but ER still found plenty worth smelling. We won't make that mistake again. Incidentally, I am not a flowery scent person. I favor clean crisp citrus smells. I find most floral perfumes over powering, but the smell off our lilac bush I love. I guess what I'm saying, is that there are somethings we cannot recreate in a lab and should leave to the maker.

Our second blooming tree has finished for the year, but for awhile we had dainty little pink flowers, ER called them fairy blossoms.

Elsewhere in the garden, these white blooms are tucked back against the house. From out daylight windows in the our basement you can see a profusion of white and from where I sit on our deck watching ER in her playhouse I sit in the shade and see them too. I just love spring when the earth bursts out in color again and we can be outdoors without it being too hot and muggy.
10 Friends Said:
It absolutely is the most glorious time of the year!
I love this time of year! Everything looks so fresh and new. Your pictures are beautiful!
Lilacs are my favorite!! My minature lilac tree is blooming right now and it smells beautiful. Unfortunely it's been chilly and rainy this week and we haven't been able to enjoy it.
Hurray! You finally have Lilacs! My friend in Northern Michigan lost her garden to frost. Glad it didn't get your lilacs! ♥
Wow! Gorgeous (ER & The Lilacs!)
I love the smell of lilacs. Our neighbor had a big tree in her back yard and every spring the wind would bring the smell in our house. It was lovely. My Mom was so jealous:)
You have pretty flowers in your yard.
and what great deals you have! i need to go check out those labels-who doesn't need labels?
Those are beautiful pics!
I just love when the lilacs bloom. We have a big bush next to our deck and I like to just sit out there when they bloom and drink in their lovely fragrance. My lilacs are done blooming. Right now, the honeysuckle is in full bloom and you can just small it everywhere!
Jealous!! I'm sure your yard is so pretty right now with all the blooms. I really need to do something about the "bareness" of our yard. :(
Love the pretty pictures you shared!
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