Friday, June 12, 2009

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Our kiddo loves music class and has been going to them since before she was one year old. She sings little songs to herself and us all day long. Here's a current favorite at our house, a good ol' classic that every kid knows. We've been singing this one together every night before bed. I just love hearing this little voice!


  1. Sweet! I remember my grandma teaching me that one! ♥

  2. Isn't she just the CUTEST little girl with a precious voice! Grammy : )

  3. Waaaaay too cute, Katie! Harper and I watched the video about 10 times!! Harper loves it.

    Love your new banner, too!

  4. I like the new banner too! I want one!! (I am at work, so I can't watch her video from here)

  5. Adorable rendition of a song that's a favorite at our house, too!

  6. So sweet! My son is watching and he keeps saying, "I want more pees" with a huge smile. he wants to keep hearing her sing

  7. My daughter loves to sing as well, and at the ripe ole' age of 13, I still catch her every day singing a little tune to herself.

    I LOVE reading your blog and all your wonderful ideas!

  8. Gunther was napping on the desk when I played it...he woke up , went straight over to the speaker & as I played it over & over he rubbed against it!!!!
    We both think its purrrfect!!!!!

  9. This was fun to watch. Hope you are having a great time in Philly with Uncle and Aunt who also think ER is the greatest!


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