Brad had a two year appointment at the National Lab he had a fellowship with. He could get it renewed for another year or try to be converted to a permanent employee. Now nothing against Santa Fe or New Mexico, I met some of the kindest and most generous people there and my medical team was the best! But there was NO way I wanted to live there for a second longer than I had to.
He'd been looking and applying to jobs all over and mentioned in passing one day that there was a job possibility in MI so he'd applied. I didn't get my hopes up because Brad has always warned me that we would probably never live in MI again because his field is concentrated on either the West and East coasts. I knew he applied, but then again he applied a lot of places so we didn't think much of it.
We had planned on going to MI that summer anyway for a month long visit so ER could celebrate her one year birthday party with her extended family. We all drove out from NM to MI, yes I said DROVE, have I mentioned my fear of flying? Then Brad flew back to NM while ER and I stayed in MI for most of the visit. He'd fly back to MI in time for her birthday party and then we would all drive back to NM. Since we drove we were also able to fit stops in MO to see Brad's grandparents; we packed a lot of family time in those trips!
While us girls were in MI, guess who got a call from the company in MI? Brad back in NM, and gee didn't it work our perfect that he was already planning on flying out in a week to MI. They scheduled his interview for one of the last days of our summer visit and then we drove home as planned. He was offered the job, of course cause he's such a super fabulous science guy, and got a job offer from a company in Long Beach, CA at nearly the same time.
The draw to MI and the chance to be close to relatives was to good to be passed up. I wanted our daughter to really know her grandparents and to celebrate holidays with big gatherings like I did growing up. Plus it broke my heart the way she'd be looking for her grandparents after visits to see us. I didn't think the opportunity would ever come up; we jumped at it.
So about one month after we left MI from our extended summer trip there, ER and I came back for good and at the end of that month our family of three had moved into our first house. In the garden pictures, I am still kind of dazed that we are even there at all. Things moved really fast!
Now after that long side trip, here's the second set of pages I wanted to share. Today Brad was commenting that I don't scrapbook as much as I used to, blame blogging for that, and maybe my stuff should be sold on Ebay - AS IF!

BTW: If you're a scrapbook magazine junkie like me tearing out layouts you like and storing by number of pictures used is a great way to organize your inspiration. It's helped me a lot over the years, I just decide how many pictures I'd like to use and then flip to that section of my binder until I find the perfect one to scraplift. There you know my secret! I get help from magazines, I do design my own pages too but I have so little time and am so far behind I find working from sketches really helps cut down on the time it takes to do a page and get more photos scrapbooked.
Does that picture of me in pink sitting on the stone bench next to ER look familiar? Either that one or the other almost exactly the same photo is the one I got my profile picture from. I think I might change it soon, my hair kind of looks big and bushy due to the humidity in it.
Noelle and Holly are hosting Scrapbook Sunday so please head over there for more inspiration and the stories behind the stories!
I also wanted to share some great news, I won Jen's at What's Shakin'? Ecostore USA giveaway and will be getting a $25 gift certificate from them! How cool is that, I'll be sure to share the goodies I pick out with you on a future post. Thanks Jen!
9 Friends Said:
wow, another great layout! i like how you used all the photos like blocks. when i try to do that, my squares never come out the same size to fit well!!
you are a pro at this stuff!!
I have been unsuccessful at blocking too. This is a nice 2 page layout.
You know how extremely lucky you are to end up back in Michigan with family!! You are always posting about seeing the g-parents -ER is soooooooo sooooo lucky to have that close to her. You too ;)
Nice story!!
The block lay out is new to me. I'll have to try it!
Journaling is my weak point because I don't like my handwriting. It finally occurred to me that I can type it then print it out! ♥
Great job on these scrapbook pages. I Love the way you did the zoo one. Have a nice Sunday. Twyla
I really enjoyed reading your story of how you came back to MI. I am also really glad you landed where you did. Your so silly worrying about your hair in your profile picture. I think it looks great. I'm sorry you haven't had as much time for scrapping,I'm finding I have the same problem. But..don't you dare let him talk you into selling your stuff!!!
Thanks for sharing.
BTW, I love the blocked look of your layouts.
Love the layouts, Katie! Great scrapbooking inspiration! ;)
I just wanted you to know that I'm still around. I hope this week is a little less chaotic, so I can come back to say hi a little more often!
Scrap booking is something I wish I could focus on. It requires so much time and space. I am an all or nothing kind of crafter. If i can't finish the project in a couple of days it never gets finished. Your pages are beautiful! I really like the garden layout and the grid. I agree that the grid allows for more photos!
My hubby and I are torn about moving closer to family or ditching it all and moving somewhere warm! It is a really hard decision...but i suppose nothing can replace family and thats ultimately where we will probably end up. It is nice to dream though.
I like the block layout look! It still takes time to do those because you have to measure everything. So it is not like you are slapping on those pictures and then you are done. They take work too:)
The top layout is very pretty!
Very exciting time you had right before you moved back here. I can see how it was just a blur.
Like the story on how you got to MI. I bet it is so nice to be near family. I could only wish!! I love all of your layouts. My poor kids will not have a scrapbook but a book of my blog. Oh Well, it is something.
BTW- you have to be one of the luckiest people I know...you won yet another give-away??? Amazing
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