Saturday, May 2, 2009

Everyone's Favorite Dutch Dancer!

Here's my first attempt at uploading a video onto Blogger. It's from today when I met Katie from A Listmaker's Life in person! She's my partner at ABC & 123: A Learning Cooperative but we had never met face to face before this morning. We got to see her wonderful performance at the Tulip Festival, and I recorded the first two minutes or so on my camera. I wish you all could've been there, so to help make you feel like you had a front row seat, I now present Katie and her fabulous Dutch dancing group!

7 Friends Said:

Katie from ABC&123: A Learning Cooperative said... 1

Oh Boy! They'll never take me seriously again:) Oh wait...
Looks like you got some glimpses of Shelby and Kim in there too - hee! hee!

***Sharon*** said... 2

That's so awesome that the two of you got to meet face to face! Were either of you going on a first date?

Kim @ Life of a Modern Mom said... 3

Love the video! I feel famous being on your blog! :) Thanks for coming!

Val said... 4

This is wonderful that you two have met. Friends forever!

Kim @ Life of a Modern Mom said... 5

Hi Katie! Just wanted to let you know I linked you on my blog today, talking about Tulip Time fun!

RoS said... 6

Great video. Looks like fun! Glad you filmed this. I think Dad and I would like to go next year to see the tulips AND the dancers.

Shelby said... 7

Hi Katie - thanks for coming by, it was nice to meet you. Is there a way that I could also post your video to my blog? I would love to share it with family and friends who are far away. Thanks again for visiting us! :)

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