While I'm gone, I wanted to share good news! The prize train just keeps on a comin' my way! I won Kelli's weekly giveaway at There Is No Place Like Home. I get to pick an item from her Estsy store, and I'm having a hard time choosing! She has such pretty trims, stickers, and cards. I'll be sure to share pictures of my prize when I get it!
She has a great weekly linky party for all of us papercrafter's and gives away an item from her Etsy store Seasonal Delights each week on Wednesday. You don't even have to participate in Papercrafting Wednesday to enter, but we'd love it if you would! If you're not a papercrafter check out Friday's Show and Tell, where you can show off your treasures. Her blog is a lot of fun full of tasty sounding recipes, seasonal decorating tips, and great crafts.
I also won Katie's Sinupret giveaway! We're getting a whole load of stuff from them! ER is going to love this one! It's just too bad I didn't have it on hand before she got sick! But I'm definitely prepared for next time! In our package will be:
A copy of Dr. Bob Sears bestselling book The Healthiest Kids in the Neighborhood
A sample of Sinupret
Yellow children's binoculars
Sinupret for Kids Activity Books
Sinupret for Kids Stickers
Mini Plush Bear
I also recently received two awards from Maradith and Annie. I have both already but I wanted to give them a shout out and thank them. It really means a lot to me, that you both enjoy reading my blog!

The Zombie Chicken Award reads:
"The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all…"
Well we can't have that, I don't need any wrath in my life! So here we go:
1. Kim at Four Crazy Kings
2. MaryAnne at Thrifty Craft Mama
3. Branflakes at Adventures of a Flake
4. Heidi at Blue Eyed Blessings
5. Bobbi at Casa Camacho
There are of course many blogs I could pass this along to, these are just a few of my favorite places to visit. So I'd like everyone to consider themselves a winner of their very own zombie chicken. Hmm...somehow that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean! Now go forth and spread the zombie love!

1. Vickie at Vickie's Scrapbooking and Tidbits
2. Noelle at Lil Bits n' Pieces of Me
3. Hadley at Life of a Dairy Queen
4. Kelli at Outside My Kitchen Window, go check out her brand spankin' new blog makeover!
5. Alicia at Delightful & Delovely, my real life best friend's brand new blog.
Thanks ladies for the giveaway prizes and blog awards you've all made my day! Thank you to everyone who comes by Katie's Nesting Spot, especially if you leave some comment love and let me know you're out there. You're all winners in my book, so please consider yourself awarded too! If you don't have any of the four awards take it back home with you!
It means a lot that you take the time to get to know me and I have loved learning more about you too. Blogging has been such a wonderful outlet for me, now that I've started I can't imagine life without it and all of you in it too! Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully I'll have some great tulip pictures to post and one of the "other" Katie in her Dutching dancin' outfit to post soon!
9 Friends Said:
have fun! thanks for the award:)
I tell you there are days I feel like a Zombie Chicken...Thanks for the Award! And congrats on your prizes! Did you buy that lottery ticket yet? I tell you this is your year!
Holy smokes! It really must be award season. I just posted a bunch on my blog today, too. And the Zombie Chicken Award? Who comes up with these crazy things? ;) Thanks for passing it along!
I can't believe you and Katie have never met in person!! I thought you've been great friends forever! Too funny!
I didn't know you and Katie had never met in person! It was so great to meet you today! I hope you enjoyed Tulip Time.
Aww...Thanks so much for the award!! hahahaha, I'm with mama King, I feel like a Zombie Chicken sometimes!
Good grief Charlie Brown!!! You are the Awards Queen. I bow to thee and thankest thee for a visit to my humble blog.
You are SO welcome! Obviously a lot of other people think you are deserving of awards too! Congratulations!
I hope you took pictures of meeting Katiesquared!
So glad you were able to come this way today! So glad I was able to "meet" you. Now I can officially say you are an IRL friend, even though I've always considered it to be so!!
Kevin got some cute pictures and I am anxious to see yours too:) Even though people are going to think my meeting outfit was a bit whacked out;)
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