For now I wanted to make sure I popped in and told you all about the big exciting news at my other blog ABC & 123: A Learning Cooperative! Today we announced our big plans for the summer. We've been hard at work contacting potential sponsors, making and remaking schedules, and mapping out the next few months.
We plan to have a GIVEAWAY every week so please come on over every Tuesday to see our new product review and learn the detail of how you can win! We'd love to have lots of participation and I hope everyone of you will enter and give us your support. Even if you don't have a little one of your own at home, you'll find lots of great items that would be a wonderful gifts, so you should still enter.
On Thursday's we'll also have a fun new weekly feature called Picnic Table Talk, and it's your chance to go visiting and meet some new bloggers as well as put in your two cents and welcome others to your virtual home.
We're really excited and hope to see lots of you over there this summer, too!
PS: If you're a business owner and would like to jump on board and be a sponsor too, we'd love to have you! Let me know if you're interested☺
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