The recipient of this award is not your everyday blogger. If you visit their blog, one thing is for sure, you will learn something (but most of the time, a lot) that is really worth the time you spend reading their post. Their post is always well-written, with good grammar, very insightful, inspiring, and thought provoking. Their posts leave you wishing that you’ve written it. They always have great stories to tell, either about life, about themselves, or about their family. Once you read their blog, there’s one thing that will stick in your head; that they are absolutely, no doubt, a Smart Blogger!
The above award description gave me a boost, as lately whenever I look my posts I find a ton of typos; those are so annoying! I swear I proof read before I post but something always slips by! Plus lately when I read other blogs, all of them seem much cooler than mine. Everyone else is being super creative and getting projects done, while I've been in a rut the past month. Keeping up with the house, planning activities for ER, and having even a little bit of a social life has been hard to balance with my creative side. I've also been feeling that mine was lacking in the insightful and thought provoking area too. So it's nice to hear that someone thinks my blog is interesting, you know other than my family who have to say they like it!
I'm going to have to agree with Trish and quote her, "I will tell you there are quite a few bloggers that I think should get this award. Sometimes I am in complete awe of some of these sites as I read them. I will tell you all that I am completely amazed by the writings, posts, and activities of the many moms and families that I read everyday." I second that whole heartily!
Link the one who gave this award and let them know you posted it. Pass this to as many Smart Bloggers as you can think of and make sure to write something about them (like why you think they are a Smart Blogger). Let them know they have an award by dropping them a comment on their blog.
I really think this one should go out to all of you! There are some blogs I read for decorating tips, crafting ideas, educational lessons, and some I read primarily to brighten my day through the funny antidotes shared on them. Plus there are so many of you whose daily lives I feel apart of from reading your daily posts. I don't think I can limit this; I'd like to pass this along to all of my wonderful followers! I visit each and everyone of you, although not as often as I'd like! I hope you know how much I appreciate your comments and opinions. In my opinion everyone is a Smart Blogger!
1 Friends Said:
Katie, We ALL get in ruts, so don't be too hard on yourself. You are amazingly creative! I think we often compare ourselves so much, which is not a good thing. Although, you're not alone in feeling this way.
You definitely deserve this award...not only for the work on this blog, but your ABC123 blog, as well. Keep up the good work!
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