My friend Margaret and I have started a new tradition this past year of having holiday themed play dates for our girls. Celebrating the holidays with friends is always more fun, and since my kiddo isn't in preschool yet, this is really the only opportunity she has for some holiday party fun. Holiday play dates are definitely
things I love!
Why? Well, like I said holidays are always the most fun surrounded by friends and family. It's been great introducing our little ones to all sorts of holiday traditions together. Since my daughter is currently an only child it also gives her a chance to socialize with her little friends, aren't they cute holding hands in the picture above. They did that on their own, how sweet!
I also really like them because they give me an outlet for some crafty fun as I always like to make each girl something handmade. Plus I love planning the games, crafts, and food. AND while I am a planner I also especially like taking turns with Margaret and getting a break every other time. I did
Valentine's Day so last Tuesday we headed over to Margaret's.

The first craft was to make a water color paper plate butterfly. Now for all the messy things I do with her, water colors hasn't been one of them. I can actually say I'd been consciously avoiding them, All I could think of was the huge mess they'd make in my classroom and how twenty kindergartners used to leave really yucky mixed up paint sets for me to deal with at the end of the day. I still cringe at the thought! So it was nice to be "forced" to do them, finally!
She really liked them; it took her awhile to understand how they worked. Dipping her paintbrush in the water was great fun, and she did it over and over and over and then painted with just water. She'd look at the brush all confused, wondering why no color was coming off it. The control freak in me had to sigh and say to myself exploring is learning, let her do her thing. It actually went better than I thought it would; we'll have to go ahead and get a set for her. I think I can get over the mixed up paints...maybe!

Our oldest artist is entering kindergarten herself next year, and she did a great job using such vibrant colors on hers. After the girls painted their plates, a butterfly body was glued onto the center to finish them off.

This is Margaret's younger daughter, who is a few months younger than mine. I had to laugh when I took this picture as it is to typical of her personality. She's the youngest of all three but the most methodical. She made very precise delicate brushstrokes.

The girls were too excited to wait any longer to exchange their little Easter treats. There was lip gloss all around and that was probably the biggest hit. We just started letting ours wear it a little bit during winter because ER's lips would get all chapped. All the girls had to apply theirs immediately. Do any of you recognize the little
upcycled treat containers I made? I am sorry to say I had planned on making some other things but just didn't get around to it! I did a ton of stuff for Valentine's Day but was kinda crafted out for Easter. Now of course I'm in total bunny mode but Easter's this weekend!!! I'll have to host next year so I can go all out.

Our second craft was to decorate large foam egg shape with fun Easter themed foam stickers. The girls loved it, especially when they found a sparkly glittered covered sticker to add. I was on sticker backing removal duty for this one! Although, ER did manage to get a few off herself, much to my surprise. This activity would've gone on for hours if I hadn't helped her...note to self invest in a TON of foam stickers!

Lunch was a really fun tea party with sandwiches cut into spring shapes like bunnies and eggs. The girls also got to drink pink lemonade out of tea cups. We thought the picture of them sipping so daintily above was the cutest. Notice mine absolutely refused a tea cup and is using her sippy cup. My mom thinks maybe the reason was that we have the same tea set, and we've stressed over and over that it's for pretend and we DO NOT put it or any of our play food in our mouths. The poor thing was probably confused, buy hey maybe she actually listened to something I've said!

Dessert was a cute and simple one, an edible bird's nests. Take a scoop of ice cream, add some coconut dyed green on top and shape it into a nest shape. Add a peep for your bird and some jelly beans for the eggs. I thought ER would love it, as she loves ice cream and peeps. Well, always the gracious guest my kiddo told Margaret in no uncertain terms that it was NOT delicious! It's a good thing Margaret is a good friend, I still nearly died of embarrassment. Guess we know some manners we need to work on! I think it was the coconut that threw her off, we don't eat a lot of that although she liked the cake my mom made last year for Easter with coconut on it. I guess she's forgotten about that.

What kind of Easter event would it be without an egg hunt? Due to the lovely April snow, ours had to be indoors but a big thank you to Margaret's husband Eric for clearing up the backyard in anticipation for it! The actual hunt was a blur with girls flying everywhere.

ER had a great time, and it was a fun filled afternoon. It's a lot of work planning and putting on one of these but the girls get so much excitement and joy out of them. I'm glad we're making these priceless childhood memories for them! Doesn't ER look too cute in her
pillowcase dress? Thank you again
Maridith, who made this adorable dress and then gave it away! Can you believe it? Aren't bloggers the nicest people!

This year as a whole has been really neat for my husband and I because she's starting to remember things from last year and anticipate them. Well anticipate most things EXCEPT for the meeting the Easter bunny. She's already stated that she will NOT be going to see the bunny! Here's how the first and last visit went when she was 9 months old. That's not a look of happiness on her face, no siree!
16 Friends Said:
What a cute idea!!! Crayola has a great no mess painting option for toddlers. The color wonder finger paints are tons of fun and only work on the color wonder paper....I think they have a paint brush version too, but we haven't tried that yet.
Okay I totally want one of those flower headbands! I would so wear it! My nieces would like it!
Katie, This party is fabulous! What a fun idea to celebrate holidays together with the little ones. It truly does give you a reason to go "all out". I'm sure with how busy you have been, it was nice not to have to plan this one. But I love all the detail and thought your friend, Margaret went into making this party a great success for the girls! Very sweet! And, that pic of ER with the bunny is priceless. Those bunnies can be a little frightening! ;)
I really enjoyed reading about the play date. It mdae me really appreciate it. After you guys left, I wondered if they really enjoyed it. Looking at the pictures it seems like they did. The girls wanted to paint again yesterday! That's interesting about the tea set. We have a small china set, but I thought plastic cups were safer. So what is the next holiday? Halloween?
How sweet they all look like little princess. It is so much fun to treat the little ones they look like they love the activities and yes she will be expecting them and may remind you of what you forget LOL. Great pictures
I love these pictures!
the dress is cute. Bloggers are so kind :):)
And I like seeing what she looked like previous years. So cute.
how adorable! and fun!! i wanted to do an easter playdate too but couldn't find a date that worked for most moms:( love their easter dresses!!
noelle ♥
I <3 all the pictures :) My favorite was the last pic with the Easter bunny. I was afraid of Santa/Mickey Mouse when I was that age. At least you got a cute pic out of the meeting!
how fun! :)
Great Idea. So fun.
Sounds fun, love the headbands!
Absolutely adorable idea. I wish I was more crafty, but I am just not. Maybe I just need to latch on to some really crafty friends :)
Katie- Everyone looks so cute but ER looks especially cute in her easter dress!!! So glad you like it!! Love all of the activities!! What a great playdate!!
Happy Easter!
Cuteness! Before my little guy went off to school my friends and I did this too. Precious years, I tell ya They grow too fast so savor each moment!
Those are some of the cutest lil' hats ever! How fun to have like-minded friends who enjoy doing these things together. Looks like the girls had a ball!
What Easter craziness!! Happy Easter!
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