Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ikea Fun

Thanks for all the encouragement over the wavy curly do from yesterday! I was debating letting it be more natural once the humidity hits as that's easier for me anyway but like I said I always worry that it looks all crazy and undone. You know how it, sometimes you can't look at yourself in an unbiased way. I'll definitely try to embrace an unblown out look, at least a little bit:) But it'll be hard because for all of you who would've loved a bit of wave all I ever wanted was really thick straight hair! You know how it is, we always want what we don't have. We had an art filled day with lots of time spent making chalkboard drawing, the long Little Quack art project, and stamping with our over sized stampers. Then we had more excitement at night when we went to Ikea after Brad got home.

She was the best she's been there in a long time. She still had to stop and touch every fake computer in the room displays, but at least this time she'd move on to the next one without throwing a fit. I think the breaks for her to play with the little activity stations, like the one above, helped a lot too. She also went through the little opening by the enterance to the kids section that has the strips of fabric hanging from it again and again. It's the first time she wasn't scared of it.

I only had to carry her a bit at the end, by lighting in the bottom level when her little legs got tired. We bought her some sand toys and an easel for Easter along with chalk and dry erase markers. I'm going to use the plastic floor protector that we used to use underneath her high chair and put the easel on top of that in the basement. I think she'll love painting there.

She fell asleep on the way home, and even stayed asleep when we got home. She slept on the couch in my arms before Brad took her to bed almost an hour early. Guess that no nap this afternoon finally caught up with her!


  1. Awe, sweet:)

    My trip to Ikea was not that fun. Adela just kept running around and getting into peoples way. Next time we go will be without the kids.

  2. Oooh, I wish I could go to IKEA; never have been:( I can't believe that was you and your hubby's first dance too!! LOL That is so wild:) Well, hey- great minds think alike girl ♥


  3. Congratulations on winning Cathe's giveaway! It's a great one.

  4. Definetely go with the curls, Katie! Think of the time you'd save!

    Sounds like you had a fun time! I love ER's little pink outfit! ♥

  5. Isn't Ikea just the best? They are SO family friendly and their products are made from sustainable goods, and are non toxic.

  6. We love trips to IKEA! They are a wee bit exhausting though. So much to look at!

    I really like your hair curly, but completely understand about what you're saying. I would just change it up every now and then for something different. ;)

    Hope you had a good week...sorry I haven't checked in more!

  7. hey girlfriend!! where've you been?? hope you are doing ok!!

    noelle ♥


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