Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Water Fun

Wordless Wednesday with a few Words: Raining a lot here, thinking of the fun we have with water. Last August, Mommy came outside to the sounds of happy squeals and a fully dressed kiddo playing in the sprinkler, fun courtesy of Daddy.

Join In: Go Graham Go, Five Minutes for Mom, and 7 Clown Circus.

24 Friends Said:

Simply AnonyMom said...

That looks like a whole lot of fun!

A Family Completed... said...

That looks like so much fun. Brings back memories of my childhood!

Anonymous said...

She sure loved it!!

Rob said...

my kids loving playing in the sprinkler, look like she was having fun :)

Anonymous said...

*L* Her face says it all!! What a beautiful girl!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh....this is just too too precious. It can't get any more perfect than this.

My Wordful is filled with fantasies, fairies and fixtures today. Come by, won't you? And have a blessed Wednesday.

Felicia said...

Oh. this makes me long for warmer weather!

Maridith said...

Good Morning Katie. Your daughter is precious. I wanted to let you know that you were picked for my Easter Pillowcase Dress. Please send me your name and address to

Have a great day!!

Mary said...

How fun!!!

Jenny said...

What a cutie!! It looks like she's having a lot of fun, very nice pic!

Jennifer said...

Such a cutie with that big smile! Sprinklers are so fun for the little ones, aren't they?! =)

Happy WW!

Pamela said...

Hey Katie, you won my apron give away! check it out:

and congrats!

Susie said...

So cute!! That is pure joy:-)

artfuldelight said...

Looks like a lot of fun. I used to care what my daughter was wearing and how dirty she got and then my son came along. I am too exhausted too care. He is just a bundle of energy and I can't keep up with him. If he gets soaked in his clothes or filthy with mud...I just don't worry anymore. LOL! Cute pic!

Kathie said...

what a cutie pie! She looks so happy! Looks like she had a lot of fun! :)

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Oh how I long for summer.

What a cutie:)

Angela said...

Oh how I love sprinklers! The kids stay cool and occupied PLUS it makes for some really cute pics!! She is having so much fun!

Anonymous said...

She just couldn't be having more fun!

Vickie said...

MY girls loved doing this, especially with their clothes on. Crazy!

Kris said...

OH! That is the cutest picture!!!! Oh, what it was like to be a child and not have a care in the world. What a sweetie!

♥ Noelle ♥ said...

what a ham!! can't wait to take pics in the summer, you know when its warm!!

noelle ♥

Tonja said...

I can't wait till it's warm enough for that here. She is adorable!!!

Heidi Boos said...

Love it!! She looks so happy and reminds me of my daughter last summer. Can't wait for warm weather, but we have awhile to wait don't we?

Peterson Party said...

Adorable! Looks like she was having a blast!

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