Yesterday ending up being a lovely day even though it began with overcast skies and there were light sprinkles coming down during the hour car ride to see my Grandma and Grandpa. We hadn't been over to see them since January so we were overdue for a visit. My mom met us beforehand for lunch; we made a day of it.
Normally we see them both at my Grandma's nursing home right after lunch, since that's when my Grandpa usually rides his electric chair over from his assisted living apartment. Turns out, no one knew Grandma was seeing the dentist right after lunch so he'd already gone back home by the time we got there after eating. We were half an hour behind schedule, but by the time we hiked all the way over to her room and back up front she only had five more minutes of work to be done so it all worked out.

Grandma was surprised to find us in the lobby! She couldn't stop exclaiming over how well ER is talking and talking away. The little kiddo took the longest time to start and now she won't stop, LOL. Here is a 3 generations picture of my Grandma, mom, and the first great grandchild. We're expecting a new addition to the family soon, when my cousin Alex and his wife Andrea add another great granddaughter.

Then it was on to see my Grandpa. Over time ER has warmed up to my Grandma, it probably doesn't hurt that everytime she sees Great Grandma she has a new baby to give her from her bingo game wins! Today ER chose a cute baby monkey to add to her collection. Unfortunately, ER is still very shy around Great Grandpa. The only picture we have of them together alone is from when they first met on our first trip to MI in November 2006.

Here's that picture, she was four months old and it was the one and only time she even remotely resembled a butter ball! She's almost always been a skinny minnie; I miss those chubby baby legs!
9 Friends Said:
awwww... what a sweet photo of her holding on to her great grandma! she is blessed to have them in her life:)
i miss ya girl!!
noelle ♥
what sweet memories!
Please stop by my blog, you have an award waiting :)
When you said you're expecting a new addition to the family I thought I was about to read a pregnancy announcement from you, Katie!
I have to say that grandparent and great-grandparent photos with their babies are the best. Something so endearing and heartwarming about the generation span.
I was thinking the same thing as Joy was thinking:) he he
My first and third child had the chubby legs. Michaela never had the chubby legs. She is skin and bones that girl.
That is so nice that you take the time to visit your grandparents. The only one left in our family is Jason's grandma. While the older two kids call her Great Grandma, the little one calls her Big Grandma. I think that is so cool.
Those are some fantastic photos of your little one and the great grandparents!
Sounds like a wonderful day, Katie. These pictures are precious. Thanks so much for sharing!!
I adore these wonderful pictures of you and your family. Family time is so precious and sometimes it gets a little "overdue". I have enjoyed following your blog and all of your wonderful creative ideas. Best wishes!
That is so wonderful you have so much family around. Very nice!!
I wanted to clarify it wasn't your tutorial is was completely user error! Your directions are perfect!
My MIL has visited your blog several times and just LOVES your blog.
What a beautiful picture of ER and your Grandmother!
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