Today I had planned on posting a Storybook Art project, but I am not feeling a hundred percent with a headache and sore throat. Keep your finger's crossed I'm not coming down with some thing! So I here's another post, this time of an activity Daddy did with ER.
We're still working on the
too many babies in bed problem, and find ourselves negotiating with ER on a daily basis about how many babies can be in bed with her.

On this morning, she and Brad were playing in her bedroom when he decided spur of the moment to turn things around and get her involved in a learning activity. He and ER set to work sorting all babies by type, all the duckies, the kitties, the lone giraffe, puppies, bears, mice, and baby dolls all together.
Teachers often refer to this type of thing as a teachable moment, meaning it's when an opportunity for unplanned teaching arises and you take advantage of it. They often lead to very meaningful learning as they are student interest driven. What teachable moments have you had with your child lately?

BYW: If you think this is a lot of babies, you haven't even seen half of them! The rest are downstairs, on a shelf outside her room, stuffed in toy bins, in the closet toy chest, and "visiting" her Grandparents. She's so spoiled it's ridiculous, and you'd better believe she remembers each and everyone one!
She also likes for all of her animals to be joined up in families, and remembers if one particular puppy is the Mommy, which one is her baby, and who the Daddy is. Hysterical!
This is part of Sarah's
Kid Friendly Friday, full of things to do with your kids. Come on over and link up something you've done!
8 Friends Said:
Oh, I love it. You know she's going to be so methodical when she grows up if you see this :) Now you have to get her to graph her results - LOL. Thanks for participating!
Cute idea! =)
Hope you feel better soon.
This kind of solved the babies in the bed problem, but now the babies are all over the floor which is just a different problem. I still have not tried to see what will happen if we try to put some of them away. Ofcourse so many babies have been in her bed for so long I am not sure if we have places to store all of them if their are no babies in the bed.
I left you a comment about my Easter baskets on my blog in the comments section. No point retyping it here you can check it out there if you want. Cute sorting idea. It is fun to know that you don't have to have "stuff" to teach kids with, just look for the moments.
Hope that head ache and sore throat go away really fast, Katie! I used to love sorting babies with my little guys. ♥
Hope you are feeling better, Katie!
ER is such a cutie. We did something similar with the Little People and other little animals.
BTW, we sorted her babies in the tent at my house when we watched ER on Feb. 15 for our belated Valentine's visit. She had fun grouping the dogs, bears, etc., together. Of course with so many babies in the tent, the tent was "too busy" for anyone else to come in to join the fun! - Grammy
Are you feeling any better these days Katie?
What a great moment for your daughter and your husband! I love teachable moments. My daughter has the same problem with dolls, you are not alone in your "struggle" ;)
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