Monday, March 2, 2009

Organizing My Crafting Room Part 1

Working on this has been my weekend project. I had to take everything off the shelving unit we got at Ikea two moves ago, so Brad could move it right up against the wall, and then put it all back on again. It was a hassle but worth it as I gave me a chance to dust and change things up a bit. It's so much nicer having things put away so I can find them again.

I was trying to go for a pink and green theme but it's so hard with all the random colored organizers and scrapbook covers, plus this is meant to be the future nursery if and when we ever have a second child so I don't want to invest too much in redoing everything for this space when it might not work in it's next space. I guess this is the in the meantime design. BTW I do realize how lucky I am to have this space at all and that I really shouldn't complain. In CA I had a desk in the corner and two shelves in a closet.
Our office is a narrow room so I can't get a good picture standing directly across from it, but on the top are two cute little containers I found at Home Goods and I have extra blank mini books and things I plan to alter in them. In the matching baskets are completed mini-books not currently on display and my Xyron machine refills. Empty 12x12 scrapbooks are in the middle with two snow globes from my collection acting as bookends.

Beneath them are completed scrapbooks, decorative boxes with supply collections, and a basket with foam stamps that's hidden behind a frame with my kitty Mabel in it. The next shelf is filled with drawer units with my stamps and inks, did you notice the little alphabet sets...only a buck at Michaels! These are followed by my hardware organizer filled with embellishments, buttons are on top of that, and then there is a desk organizer with adhesives and more little embellishments like eyelets and brads. The things on this level are strategically placed to be out of reach.

Then comes my paper collection all neatly organized by color and season. This is only half of it, the bulk of my patterned paper are in large expandable files on the floor by my chair, units with yet more assorted embellishments, and a three drawer desk organizer that used to be on my teacher's desk at school. Now it houses my cutting templates, punches, and embossing powder.

The bottom shelf has my magazines on it, all in cardboard files I keep meaning to add decorative paper to so they look cuter. They are divided up by months and special issues topics such as mini albums, travel, baby, etc. There are two large storage baskets on the bottom and they are great because that's where I stuff other things like my plastic jewelery bead organizers filled with floss cards wrapped with my ribbon collection and larger stamp sets.
The big pay off from moving the unit over was getting this fun little sitting area in the other corner. I know it's not that much to look at, as the chair is a hand me down and doesn't exactly fit my design scheme but it was the right price i.e. free from my parents and it is a comfy recliner. Next to it are two more free treasures, a lamp and table from my friend Alicia; given to us when she was moving. I have been needing some where with a light to kick back and embroider and now I have a great little spot. The rest of my patterned paper is organized by color in those large divided file holders on the floor next to them.

This is part one because only half of the room has been reorganized, notice I am NOT showing the computer, crafting table, or extremely disorganized closet stuffed with fabric remnants and plastic totes still not unpacked from our move from NM over a year and a half ago! We're waiting for the large metal shelving units to go on sale before tackling that project!

This post has been added to Making a Happy Home Monday, because cleaning this space up and making room for my seating area certainly makes me one happy girl! It's also a part of 11th Heaven's Homemaker Mondays, for the same reason. Cause if I'm going to be schleping all that stuff around, I want to show it off☺

I am also adding this to Talk to Me Tuesday at the Lazy Organizer, I just found this blog today and can't wait to go check out the other blogger's home. Thank goodness this room at least is presentable! I am looking forward to going back tonight and going through her archives.

It's also my Tackle It Tuesday Post, cause believe me it was a tackle an all day one! I think my arms are still sore.


  1. I absolutly love your craft room...and i'm jealous! I could have had a craft or guest room but instead made a playroom for the kids. And they love of so it was well worth it. I can't wait to see all that you have comming up!

    And now a ? How to you make a heart on your posts?!? I have tried everyhing and can't figure it out .lol.

  2. I too am very jealous. I do not have a craft room. I need one so bad!

  3. very nice! i love organizing my craft room. it makes me feel so serene. also, you collect snowglobes?? so do i. :)

  4. Hi, Katie! Very nice! You're also very lucky to have so many wonderful suplies and hey, ya can't beat free from the parents furniture! ☺ ♥

  5. Ha ha, you remind me that I should take pictures of my MESS, not just my decluttering :) You should see this craft table! Its actually currently a filing/sewing/photo organizing/mail sorting table. MESS!

  6. You are so cool! That looked like a lot of work. Whew, indeed!

    We had a computer room, but our computer is now in the living room, because of baby #2.

    I never had a craft room. My stuff is in the basement and I have to bring it up to the kitchen. I hate working in the basement. Too Creepy!

    BTW, I was at Joy To The World and I saw in your comments there, you played the trumpet. So Did I!

  7. Wow! This is great!! Love your space.

  8. Yes, She has a lovely space to work in. I on the other hand get to cart my hobby stuff up out of the basement to the kitchen when I want to work on it. I think it is her way to get me to work on finishing the basement.

  9. Your space is amazing! Oh my goodness, my craft room/office needs a major overhaul. I'm now inspired!

  10. OOoooo...that is lovely! SO organized! Great job. Thanks for linking up....hope to see you around.

  11. I have a tag for you over on my blog! :)

  12. Oh I just love it. It is very hard to stick with just one color. There are too many cute color ideas. With your permission I would love to put you on my Saturdays Scrapper post this saturday!

  13. Hi Katie!

    Your craft room looks great! How do you organize your paper punches? I have an idea of how to organize mine but I'm just curious of how other scrap bookers do it! Im thinking with a towel holder in my pegboard but I still haven't tried it. I will have to see if it works.

    Good luck on the giveaway! Come and visit any time!


  14. Wow! Your organizational skills are impressive! I really need to spend a weekend on organizing all of my teacher stuff! Thanks for the inspiration.

  15. Wow! This looks awesome! You did a really good job.

  16. I LOVE IKEA! I need to go there again. Our homeschool supplies are taking over my life, I need organiztion shelves and bins. I have the itch.

  17. It looks great! I can't wait to get my studio organized one of these days.

  18. How happy looking! You really have an artist's eye-enjoy!

  19. Katie, You have such a great space to be creative! I love that there is so much room to spread out and I'm quite impressed you are pretty close to filling up every inch of it! :) Happy Crafting!


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