Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My Curly Little Secret

Bits About Me
Monday, March 30, 2009
Handmade Easter Swap Goodies
Update 3/31/09: While reading today's Procrastinator Crafter's post I found out about a new monthly blog party all about my favorite crafting material: mod podge! So I had to add this post to it, since the first two projects both involve using it! Thanks to Xazmin for hosting, she made fun letter blocks that I really like. I love how she added wooden letters to the front. I was going to just mod podge on die cut letters to the ones I want to make but I think the wooden letters are a lot more fun! To see my two sided sign and frame please scroll down about half way.
My Easter swap partner Noelle has gotten her package so now I can reveal what I sent her! See all the great stuff she sent me, here. She was a quick little bunny and sent hers out lickity split. Unfortuately for her, her partner couldn't get it all together until the very last day it was due to be shipped out! Good thing she's patient! That's most of the stuff all wrapped up and ready to go, I also added one more package for her and two parcels I sent for her boys, which are hidden here and are propping up the package wrapped in patterned tissue paper.
I put together a little basket for her in a fun spring sea foam green color and adorned it with a big fluffy bow. I love big bows! I'm sure it got all crushed in the shipping process. Noelle, I hope you could fluff it up again! I put some little goodies like holiday towels, a bunny themed magnetic note pad and sticky notes, chocolate bunnies, teal egg ornament, two Easter stamps, and a bag of candy in it. I also gave her a hanging SPRING sign that I purchased.
She's getting married soon, so I also took this opportunity to slip in a little bachelorette party type gift since I won't be able to celebrate the end of her single days with her in person. I found a fun spring colored hanging travel toiletries keeper and put some great smelling lip gloss in it along with my very favorite decadent body lotions in one of our favorite scents, lemon. I thought these would be fun to bring along on her honeymoon.
So that's the stuff I purchased for her, you can check her pictures of it on her blog. Now on to what I made her!
I have a confession to make, I made a real oops on the frame. I wasn't paying attention while I was making it, as to where the holes for the little stick thing you use to help prop up the frame on the backside were. I attached the paper in the opposite direction that I was supposed to, there isn't a hole for the stick on the bottom, luckily the frame stands up on it's own or I'd have had to start all over.
I am planning on putting together a quickie tutorial because I forgot to take enough pictures of the layout variations before I sent it along to Noelle. I'll add the pictures to it too so you can see how nicely it turns out. I know a picture really helps and it might look a little boring as is, but trust me they do turn out looking very cute and don't take a ton of time to put together.
I'll try to get the tutorials for yesterday's paper bag scrapbook and today's mini book together this week, depends on how much scrapbooking time I get!
Home Decor,
Mini Scrapbook,
My Crafty Projects
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Paper Bag Mini Book & Card

This one is made up out of normal brown lunch bags. I think you can figure out how to put it together from the last picture, but if anyone wants one I will try to remember to take picture step by step when I work on the ones made out of the purple bags. I think it's clear but since I know what I'm doing here I'm not really the best judge of that☺
One word of caution, while paper bag scrapbooks are fun and inexpensive they are not acid free or archival safe. It's best to use them for little projects and never use one of a kind photos always use copies.
Head on over to Noelle's or Holly's to see other fun scrapbook projects and add a comment with a link if you want us all to come by and see something you've made! If you're not ready this week, please consider joining us next week!
Mini Scrapbook
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Grandparent Time
I decided spur of the moment yesterday afternoon to make the hour and half trek over to see my parents and younger brother David today, even though we just saw my mom the day before. The sun was shining and our plans to have a play date with neighborhood friends got cancelled, but I still wanted to get out and about. Plus I wanted their help corralling the little one at the mall while shoe shopping.
Well the day didn't turn out as nice as the morning suggested it would as the wind kind of picked up and it was cooler than we had hoped but still comfortable. We went to a newer outdoor mall by their house; but didn't get either of the tasks I wanted to do accomplished. Can anyone explain why shoes for a two and a half year old cost more than ones for me or why a store that has closed would still be listed as open online? It's a very nicely done up place with lovely fountains, a big bright play area, built in fireplace, even a mini splash zone for the kids to jump in when it's warmer, and boccie ball courts so it was a nice place to spend a few hours nonetheless.
But why oh why do developers put outdoor shopping centers in MI? This is the second one they've opened near my parents. We had some beautiful ones in CA, the key word in that sentence being California, you know where the weather is pretty decent most of the year! Today was nice and there were a lot of families out and about but I wonder how the shops do business wise in the winter time. Cause I'm not wading through snow drifts no matter how big the sale is!
After shopping it was time for an early dinner; we tried a new family restaurant by my parents and it was really good. Going anywhere new with my folks is normally unheard of, they seem to always go to the same place on Friday as my brother can tell you! I thought I should add a picture of me for change to the blog, to prove I really do come along. Not that I like this one, I think I look tired, my hair is frizzy, and I was just a mess today. My shirt had a stain on it, and I have no idea how it got there. Don't you just hate that! So keep your eyes on the cute kid I somehow managed to produce!
ER calls my Dad "Papa", here she is with him and yes that is a butter packet she's clutching in her hand. She started calling for bread almost the second we sat down. Really she should have been requesting butter, cause that's mainly what she ate. I spread it on her roll and she proceeded to lick it off, her little nose got all shiny real quick. She must have been hungry for once cause she ate a whole hot dog, half a roll, and french fries, as well as bits of tomato, chicken, and hard boiled egg from my salad. For her that's almost a shockingly large amount at once.
We had time for some more silliness and ice cream, back at my parents' before we left. Here are my mom aka Grammy and ER reading up on their favorite blog...but really mom is checking it out to make sure she looks good in the pictures from our visit with the Great Grandparents the day before. Just kidding Mom! That's my little brother Dave behind them. You might also note that miss fashionista has raided Grammy's jewelery box and over accessorized like usual with two bracelets and a necklace. Honestly that girl just loves the jewels!
So as you can tell nothing big happened today, just a day with the fam. Which might not seem like a big deal but it really is a wonderful thing for us as we never thought Brad would find work back in MI and we'd always live out of state. So while a ninety minute drive just to hang out might seem far for a lot of people the commute is much shorter than it was from CA or NM so no complaints here!
Being close to our families and friends was one the main reason we moved back, I grew up with a large extended family around for all of the holidays and saw my Grandparents who lived just two blocks away from me during most of my childhood almost every day. I wanted my parents, brother, and Brad's mother Norma to have as big of a presence in ER's life too. Plus moving here we could afford for me to continue staying at home with her. We even managed to find a house less than ten minutes from where Brad works so he's able to spend more time with us and less time commuting. I don't regret the decision we made for a second.
Well the day didn't turn out as nice as the morning suggested it would as the wind kind of picked up and it was cooler than we had hoped but still comfortable. We went to a newer outdoor mall by their house; but didn't get either of the tasks I wanted to do accomplished. Can anyone explain why shoes for a two and a half year old cost more than ones for me or why a store that has closed would still be listed as open online? It's a very nicely done up place with lovely fountains, a big bright play area, built in fireplace, even a mini splash zone for the kids to jump in when it's warmer, and boccie ball courts so it was a nice place to spend a few hours nonetheless.
But why oh why do developers put outdoor shopping centers in MI? This is the second one they've opened near my parents. We had some beautiful ones in CA, the key word in that sentence being California, you know where the weather is pretty decent most of the year! Today was nice and there were a lot of families out and about but I wonder how the shops do business wise in the winter time. Cause I'm not wading through snow drifts no matter how big the sale is!

So as you can tell nothing big happened today, just a day with the fam. Which might not seem like a big deal but it really is a wonderful thing for us as we never thought Brad would find work back in MI and we'd always live out of state. So while a ninety minute drive just to hang out might seem far for a lot of people the commute is much shorter than it was from CA or NM so no complaints here!
Being close to our families and friends was one the main reason we moved back, I grew up with a large extended family around for all of the holidays and saw my Grandparents who lived just two blocks away from me during most of my childhood almost every day. I wanted my parents, brother, and Brad's mother Norma to have as big of a presence in ER's life too. Plus moving here we could afford for me to continue staying at home with her. We even managed to find a house less than ten minutes from where Brad works so he's able to spend more time with us and less time commuting. I don't regret the decision we made for a second.
Toddler Time
Friday, March 27, 2009
Visiting the Great Grandparents
Normally we see them both at my Grandma's nursing home right after lunch, since that's when my Grandpa usually rides his electric chair over from his assisted living apartment. Turns out, no one knew Grandma was seeing the dentist right after lunch so he'd already gone back home by the time we got there after eating. We were half an hour behind schedule, but by the time we hiked all the way over to her room and back up front she only had five more minutes of work to be done so it all worked out.

Toddler Time
Thursday, March 26, 2009
P is for Ponytail
As every mama of a little girl probably knows, one of the best parts to having a little princess of your very own is dressing her up and doing her hair! Well we had a major set back in the cute girly dos department when last winter (2008) the little one began pulling out her hair on the top sides. Unattractive and very noticeable nearly baldish spot were the result and as you can imagine I was very upset about it.
It had started to grow back a little in this picture from last spring but you can see the slight mohawk look she was rocking for awhile. Mind you, I am perfectly aware that this is not the end of the world and there are a lot worse things that can happen to your daughter and I told myself that over and over again. I was still upset.
It didn't help that everyone including complete strangers felt the need to comment on it, and they weren't always nice caring inquiries and some were quite rude. Can't tell you how many times I was told, that I should tell her to stop. Um yeah, don't you think I tried that! Plus from all the online research I did and from my conversations with her pediatrician what we were supposed to do was ignore for the most part and not discuss or bring too much attention to it. Hard to do when people in the grocery store ask you about it.
We did figure out that she did it only in her crib on her way to sleep, as a calming type thing. She'd pull and twist and the baby fine hairs didn't have a chance. We wore a lot of hats that spring and summer, mainly to keep her little head from getting sun burn but mercifully they also meant that there were less comments about the whole thing too.
This past fall and winter she has gotten really into princesses and I mean really into princesses. She tells me she's not my baby anymore, she's my princess. I'm her queen mommy and Brad is the knight. I think he's a bit miffed at not being at least my prince consort!
The whole princess thing really helped with the not pulling out our hair, once she found out princesses have long pretty hair and get to wear fun hair accessories it stopped. A big thanks to her best friends, Margaret's little girly girls for helping to reinforce that. Every little girl wants to be just like a princess, in ER's case like Cinderella, who is her favorite one of all.
So after this long wordy introduction I give you...my own little princess complete with her first tiny little ponytail! 
Toddler Time
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I'd Like to Thank the Academy...
It's a rainy overcast Wednesday, and all it makes me want to do is take a nap! I've been staying up late trying to get all my ABC & 123 giveaway winners' packages out and finishing up my Easter Swap for Noelle so that's probably adding to the strong desire to nap! I made three things for her and I can't wait til she gets her package so I can share them with you all!
My kiddo is busily scribbling on her double sided dry erase/chalkboard at the table next to me, so let's pass on some blog awards!
The first one, I had seen on a bunch of blogs for a long time and had a secret wish for someone to give it to me, mainly because I loved the colors and design of it: pink, aqua, and green I ♥ together. But one shouldn't be greedy so I patiently waited and now I'm lucky enough to have four fabulous women thing I deserve it!
The second one is from Second Star to the Right and Straight Til Morning and is the I ♥ Your Blog award. Thank you, I'm so honored that you chose to me to pass your first blog award on to!
I'm supposed to share seven things I love for the first award:
Cathie Filian: I watch her show on DIY and love it!
Lollychops: she's doing Big Time Bunny Week right now and I love it, like I love everything she does!
Joy at Joy to the Blog: one of my local blogging buddies, who just opened her own Etsy shop and makes beautiful collages
Dollar Store Crafts: cheap craftin', I'm in!
Molly Chicken: whimsical sewing creations, check out her Love Bird tutorial.
Janniepie Crafts: love that she made her craft desk.
Inspired Company: check out her free online craft "magazine" full of inspiration each month.
Thanks you again everyone! It's good to know that I manage to post on things other people are even remotely interested in!

- Courtney at Sister To Sister
- Missy at Simply Red and
- Kelli at Outside My Window
- Hadley at Life of a Dairy Queen

I'm supposed to share seven things I love for the first award:
- Reading scrapbook and craft magazines, preferably with a decadent hot coffee beverage in one hand
- Meeting my girlfriends for lunch and shopping
- Target
- Siteseeing all the cliched touristy spots on vaca
- Girltalk with my two and a half year old, aren't those toddler voices so sweet!
- Warm tropical beaches
- My family and friends, including all my blogging buddies!
Cathie Filian: I watch her show on DIY and love it!
Lollychops: she's doing Big Time Bunny Week right now and I love it, like I love everything she does!
Joy at Joy to the Blog: one of my local blogging buddies, who just opened her own Etsy shop and makes beautiful collages
Dollar Store Crafts: cheap craftin', I'm in!
Molly Chicken: whimsical sewing creations, check out her Love Bird tutorial.
Janniepie Crafts: love that she made her craft desk.
Inspired Company: check out her free online craft "magazine" full of inspiration each month.
Thanks you again everyone! It's good to know that I manage to post on things other people are even remotely interested in!
Blog Awards
Monday, March 23, 2009
Writing Practice & Letter Identification: Write the Room
A popular center in my kindergarten classroom took advantage of that: Write the Room. The kids get a sheet of paper, clip board, and pencil. Then they go around the classroom and write down the words they see everywhere. At the end of their activity, I'd often come and read their list of words to me.
I made the directed Write the Room sheet shown above. This one was done during November and the students had to find one word in the classroom beginning with each letter and write it next to it. It's very simple to change the word to fit any season, month, or theme. You can also have the students write words that begin with the letter of the week and also do nonstructed Write the Room and just give them a blank sheet of paper and let them go for it.
To change things up a bit some times I'd give the kids markers or colored pencils to write with. Or I might let them wear these fun foam "glasses" I found at the Dollar Store. We also did Read the Room, where they'd go around with little pointers and point to and then read the word aloud to a partner. They'd alternate reading or being read to.
Spotlight Letters was also a popular variation, in this one they'd each take a flashlight and point to a letter to spotlight it before writing it down on their paper. This was often done in conjunction with a letter of the week Write the Room. They'd find our letter of the week anywhere within a word in our room. They'd spotlight it with their flashlight, write it down on their paper, and then circle the spotlight letter.
Learning Activity
Writing Practice: Word Cards
Then I found clip art representations of each word either within a home publishing program I have or online, and combined the two in a word processing program. I learned from trial and error that making a chart on MS Word with two columns and three rows makes it easiest to get a lot done at one time. Then print out, cut, and glue to index cards. I laminated mine for durability but if they are for home use this step probably isn't necessary.
You could also purchase a few sets of inexpensive alphabet flashcards and use them although you may run into duplicate word and picture combinations. This would probably provide you with enough for a home based activity. I needed so many cards for each letter because my students were in groups of five for centers and I wanted them to have a variety to choose from for activities.
There are many uses for word cards:
- Introduce a new letter of the week by holding them up one at a time during circle time.
- Combine several from different letter sets and then sort by beginning letter into a pocket chart
- Say the word and clap syllables
- Use with alphabet playdoh stamps and stamp words into playdoh
- Use with alphabet letter stamps and stamp the words
- Make a set with one from each letter, provide with an alphabet strip, and put them in ABC order
- Use with magnetic letters and have the kids use the card to make words, the side of a filing cabinet works great for this.
- If yours are laminated, students can trace over them with dry erase markers
- Use to practice writing on a variety of surfaces such as dry erase boards, magna doodles, and mini books (an example of that follows)
I made mine on a word processing program and for themed picture dictionaries I'd add a little clip are to jazz it up a bit. The child adds the letter to the title and their name. Then they chose five to seven words that begin with our letter of the week.
Learning Activity
Alphabet Activities: Playdoh Stampers
Using these was one of my beginning of the year centers, I'd put these in a center tub along with word cards and my students would stamp words into the playdoh. The center would cover many skills such as matching (letters) and letter identification. Later on in the year the kids would use them to spell out their own simple words.
I recently began using them with ER and she likes them a lot. We call it writing in playdoh and she'll ask to "write" letters. I think these are especially useful if your child is not ready to begin writing practice.
You can also use alphabet shaped cookie cutters but I find these are even easier to use. My daughter cannot get the letter shape out of the cookie cutter without distorting it greatly.
Learning Activity
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Scrapbook Sunday: Hawaii

These are from our trip to Hawaii. It was a much delayed honeymoon, after we'd been married almost four years. It was also our first "big" trip meaning we flew somewhere and had to rent a car. We're usually take road trips, which I love because you can really see the States that way. I enjoy the seeing the endless fields of corn, the rolling hills, green meadows and farmland, and the mountains looming in the distance.
We've driven from MI to CA twice and from NM to MI three times round-trip (we fit in stops to see the great grandparents in MO during these) and then again one way when we moved. My parents took us on road trips almost every summer growing up so I guess that's were it all began, my biggest trip with them was a two week long trip from Michigan to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons on Wyoming.
This is the title page from my Hawaii scrapbook. I made a photo collage in the shape of Maui, the island we visited. Let me tell you, I thought I was really slick for pulling this off! I still remember how long it took me to figure out how to do it. I still think it looks pretty neat.

We love aquariums, the one in Monteray, CA is the best one I've ever been too. The one on Maui is a lot smaller but still quite nice and specializes in tropical fish, as to be expected. I thought the open air turtle tank was pretty neat, they swam right up to the top and you could touch them. I also liked seeing my favorite, a little sea horse. I had just gotten my new tools from Creative Memories and couldn't wait to use them, that's how I made the borders, which are supposed to mimic waves and the movement of water.
One of my favorite day trips was the Road to Hana, a beautiful scenic drive with a waterfall around every corner. We made numerous stops along the way, saw a gorgeous black sand beach, and ended at Oheo Gulch also known as the the Seven Sacred Pools, even though there are a lot more than seven. It was breathtaking.

Scrapbook Pages
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Welcome to my own little online nesting spot! This is where I blog about my efforts to create a place of refuge and retreat for my family, where we can raise our daughter to be a happy, creative, and indpendent kiddo aka ER. I blog about our everyday life with a two and half year old, our attempts to cook at home more, crafting, learning, and homemaking. Here's a bit more about me:
I love to travel, going to Hawaii with my husband was a favorite trip and...
Read history books, especially ones about British royalty. Here I am meeting my all time favorite author Alison Weir at a book signing for her latest biography.
I spend a lot to time crafting, scrapbooking, and am currently teaching myself to sew. My crafts can be seen here.
I love to take pictures of nature and animals. I enjoy visiting National Parks, hiking, and being outdoors, but at the end of the evening I really like winding down in a hotel room. The picture above is from Yosemite, a favorite place to spend the day.
We still like the great outdoors, but now someone else factors into our travel plans. Note the raspberries ER is making. Guess we know her opinion of the Grand Canyon!
I miss living in California, we lived in Northern CA outside of San Francisco and explored all up and down the coastline. When we stayed in Malibu, this was the right outside of our room. In my heart, I will always be a Californian!
I have two sweet kitties, that we adopted when we lived in New Mexico...
That's also where we added our newest member...we've since moved again to be back "home" to MI where our families are. It's good to have the grandparents nearby!
I used to be a teacher and really enjoyed teaching kindergarten especially, but...
Now I only have one student, but she is the most important one I've ever had. I feel privileged to be a SAHM with her. We love doing learning activities and art projects together, you can find some of our activities here. It was my love of teaching and finding great new ideas that led me to start my other blog ABC & 123: A Learning Cooperative with my partner, who is also named Katie. I hope you enjoyed stopping by, please leave me a comment so I know you popped in and so I can visit you too!
More About ABC & 123: A Learning Cooperative:
I also blog at ABC & 123: A Learning Cooperative? I'm one of the founding Katies and we gather and share the best learning activities, lessons, and projects from around the web. We especially like to feature what our readers are doing and would love for you to be the next one!
We ALWAYS give credit where it is due and will direct link to your post, blog, or provide your email if you'd like.
More About ABC & 123: A Learning Cooperative:
Email us direct links to your learning activity at abc123learning.gmail.com. Not a blogger? Send us: your name - first only is okay, a short written description of your lesson and any objectives, include a photo if you have one. We'll fit it into our posting schedule as appropriate.
We ALWAYS give credit where it is due and will direct link to your post, blog, or provide your email if you'd like.
Bits About Me
Friday, March 20, 2009
Storytime Art: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See
This project was very simple because all she had to do was paint with one color at a time and the finish product looks like something recognizable to adults. We are going to create a painting for each animal in the book and when we're done we'll use them as prompts to recite the story. I'll hold them up in the same order as the book, and we'll chant the story together. Brown Bear and Goldfish are our first two creations: just paint, let dry, and then cut or give your child a precut animal shape and have them paint that with one color.
Today I saw some other great ideas on how to transform your child's artwork, on 4 Crazy Kings. I am always looking for ideas like this, because right now ER enjoys the process of art and I certainly don't want to stifle her creativity, but I also like new ways to display her artwork and she likes having something recognizable to point to and claim as her own, "That my bear"
I have shared this post on I Blame My Mother's Kid Friendly Friday, Just for Fun's Friday Book Project, and Ramblings of a Crazy Woman's Showcase Saturday. Check them out for kid's project ideas and add one of your own while you're at it!
Children's Books,
Crafting with Kids
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