Plus she's got a great eye for decorating and saving a buck. I'd been drooling over the crafting rooms in the Potterybarn catalogs for ages. But the table I really wanted is over a thousand bucks! That's bit too steep for a spot I'll probably cover in paint and dried on Mod Podge. Then I saw her Inspiration Room on a Budget post and saw that it might not be out of my range after all! That got me hooked, and the great tips she gives have kept me going back ever since. I had no idea olive oil was so darn useful until I read this and I love seeing her Saturday Scrapper feature with all the organized crafting space and beautiful projects. Oh and one shameless plug, after seeing my button pillow she actually went out and made this! I am tickled pink that I one of my projects led to someone actually doing it!

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
I was in the mist of writing this post when I got a message from Kaylee at Eat Your Heart Out, that she'd also given me an award, the Lemonade Award. She's got a whole bunch of recipes on her blog, and as many of you know from this request, I'm always looking for new ones to try and I think her Sweet and Sour Meatballs are calling my name.
Now Kaylee is a friend I didn't even realize I had, as this is the very first comment she's ever left me. I certainly am thankful and honored that she chose me too, especially since it's given out for such nice reasons; I certainly do try to be grateful and positive! For those of you who visit me here at my Nesting Spot, and haven't left a comment yet, please drop me a line so I know you're out there! I'd love to hear from you all and visit you too!

This award is given to sites that show gratitude and a wonderful attitude.
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received the award.
Thank you both for such great awards and more importantly for the sentiment behind them! Now girls, it'd be great if you want to pay it forward and pass along these awards but my feeling won't be hurt if you don't. I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how much I appreciate you! I love all the great gals I've been meeting through blogging. You inspire me and encourage me so much! I pass this award onto some of my long time and loyal followers...
Katie at A Listmaker's Life, fellow teacher with a lot of enthusiasm for educating, with whom I can navigate the tricky transition from professional educator to parent.
Anna at k e household, my super supportive friend up there in chilly Canada; who's been a follower almost from the start.
Noelle at Lil' Bits and Pieces of Me, who is always bubbling over with sunshine and a positive spirit. She's looking to join the sisterhood of professional teachers and astounds me with her Good Will finds.
Holly at Girls At Heart, she's so friendly and always welcomes you whenever you stop by the porch for a visit. Plus she's super helpful and showed me how to add ♥ to my text and how to customize my comments.
and Vickie, I know she has these both but I'm giving them to her anyway cause she was my first good blogging buddy and she's one of the best gals out there!
Vickie also tagged me awhile back for fun photo tagging. I love these kinds of things but if I'd followed the rules, and opened my sixth photo file and taken the sixth picture to post, then I'd have had to repost a picture I'd already used. So now ladies and gentleman...I give you a fashionista in darling daughter! 
7 Friends Said:
You are just so sweet...I would love to go shopping with you, maybe if I owned my own private jet. I am so touched to read the nice things that you have said about me. I am so glad that I started blogging. I have made some really great friends.
That is such a cute picture of ER. She knows how to work it:)
Thanks for the awards. It made my day!
Thanks for thinking of me, Katie! ♥
That girl of yours is over-doing it on the accessories!
I am LOLing so hard here :)
Thanks so much for thinking of me! We must have been working on our posts to pass on the awards at the same time. LOL! I love the picture of ER!
she is so cute in this photo :)
thanks for the award hun! i am soooo behind on blogging this week:)
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