Monday, January 26, 2009

Recipe Roundup - Taco Bake

Thank you to everyone who's already sent us a recipe, at my request for help working on our resolution to cook more at home. Today we made our first one, courtesy of my friend since high school Melissa. She actually sent us three, the most from one person so I decided she'd "earned" the right to be first! Melissa is the friend of mine, whose wedding to Tim, was the one I was a bridesmaid in. Aren't they a cute couple, and don't ya' love those red shoes!

She warned me this one wasn't healthy, and it certainly isn't, but that it is yummy, which it is! We lightened up the best we could by using low fat meat, reduced sodium taco seasoning, reduced fat cream cheese, reduced fat sour cream, and less shredded cheese. It's completely different from anything we've ever made, we're not connoisseurs of the casserole, but this one was a delicious change of pace. I'm pretty sure if it hadn't been sent to us I'd have never made it, cause it sounded a bit weird to me. That's why having recipes our friends and family already like is wonderful; there's more of a chance we'll like them too! This one was really good and smelled great the whole time it was being made. Melissa says it also tastes just as good the next day as leftovers too! It makes a big pan, so this might be one to save for when my family is coming over, so we all eat a little along with lots of salad, and so then there won't be leftovers to call my name the next day! I'm always looking for something to feed a crowd!

Melissa's Taco Bake:

1 lb ground beef
1 packet taco seasoning
15 oz. tomato sauce
8 oz. seashell pasta
8 oz. package cream cheese, softened in microwave
1/2 cup sour cream
8 oz. shredded sharp cheddar cheese Directions:
1. Brown ground beef, drain. Add taco seasoning and tomato sauce. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 20 minutes.

2. In the meantime, cook pasta according to directions. Drain.

3. Mix softened cream cheese and sour cream in separate bowl.

4. Spray bottom of 9x13 pan. Put pasta in bottom of pan.
5. Spread cream cheese mixture over pasta.
6. Spoon ground meat mixture over this.

7. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top.

8. Bake @ 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Let cool 15 minutes before serving.
We had ours with a green salad, cause the ONLY thing you should be eating with this rich dish is a veggie! I think I'll have to do a lot of cardio on the elliptical to make up for this meal, but it was so worth it:)


  1. That looks delicious! Yummy to the tummy!

  2. That does look good, and kid friendly. Good choice on the salad side-dish ;)

  3. sounds REALLY good! the boys might actually eat it cause it has pasta!!!


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