Vickie and I "met" through Blog Around the World and what a small world it is, we're about one hour away from each other, and she currently lives in the same town I grew up in. We both like to read about royalty, especially British royalty and we are both scrapbookers. To top it off, I just found out reading the post in which she awarded me, that she likes purple, but does she like it enough to have a giant purple couch like we do, and she was also born in March! Thanks so much Vickie!
And now, as I've noticed is the case with a lot of these blogging awards there are some obligations that go along with this award so here it goes!
1. Say one thing nice to a man in your life...
Brad you're such a good father, it's so sweet how you always go get our daughter when she cries out during the night; standing and rocking her until she's calm again.
2. Measure success in your life or blog with six or more ways...
That my husband loves me, our baby is happy, and our family is proud of us. That I am able to persevere through the tough times and upheaval. That I am and have good friends who are supportive and who I can be myself with!
Now on to the most fun part...hmmm since Vickie gave this to me I can't very well give it back to her so...the five blogs I give this award to are:
Brad at Sons of Twilight, my loving husband and the smartest person I know - hey he married me didn't he! He's a hard worker, very supportive, and understanding about my compulsion to craft all day and night. His blog is about role play gaming and something most of my readers would have no idea about...but it keeps him out of trouble and he really likes it! Plus he's my tireless technical support for this blog and all thing computer.
The next two I stumbled upon really soon after beginning my blog and have been avidly reading them ever since...
Miss Muffin at Muffins and More, her cute felt advent calendar first caught my eye; wow can she sew, her Halloween ideas were so cute, and then she introduced me to a fun clip art blog and has fun ideas to do with kids...there's always something fun to read or look at on her blog!
Holly at Magnolias and Sunshine, because her blog keeps me laughing and she is still full of sunshine even though she had to live through hurricane Gustav. She has great home decor ideas, can't believe she did this herself! And take it from me as a former teacher, she's the cool student's mom in the class cause she seriously made like a million little treat toppers, plus this girl is a serious sewing queen and even has her own business!
The last next two winners will probably be surprised to hear from me, cause we're not exactly blogging friends and I don't think I've even commented on their blogs before, but I've been reading them for ages and they are both part of the reason I wanted my very own blog too. I guess it just blogging shyness, cause I feel like I'm a fan waiting by their tour bus clutching my piece of paper for their autograph, LOL!
Jessica at Juicy Bits, because forget my two year old...I want one of her super cool birthday crowns, and birthdays must be her thing because she has the best ideas; those plush monsters in their own tin have got to best the best favor ever and how about the themed food and games and I could go on and on...and Brad swears we're going to finish our basement, forget HGTV after seeing this, I want her to come design for us!
Kathleen at Kathy's Cottage, because when I look at her blog I feel like I'm on vacation in some light and airy place filled with the cute girly stuff and bric-a-brac my husband cringes over, and because she finds all the pretty things online for me! I want to live in her photographs.
It was hard to narrow it down to just five, but a lot of fun to share some of my favorite bloggers with everyone and if you were one of my award winners you're welcome to take the award with you to your blog and give out your own awards too! Thanks to all the talented ladies, and my husband, who make blogland a better and funner place!
8 Friends Said:
You are welcome!
Purple couch, you say! I would love it, but boo-hoo, I don't own one.
Awww, what a sweet thing to say! I can't tell you how happy it makes me when someone just gets a little joy from my blog. It is so nice to meet you and I am sure you will enjoy blogging. It opens up the world in the nicest way:>) Thanks for the award and congratulations to you on your first!
Wow, thank you so much for this award! I really feel so honoured! My first award! And thanks for those nice words you said about me and my blog - that actually meant more to me than the award! Thank you so much! I will proudly present it on my site - and of course link back to your blog. As I am new to this - is it alright if I simply save the award-picture and put it as a picture on the right side of my blog?
And another question: I assume I have to give it to 5 other bloggers. What are the rules? May I give it also to someone who blogs in german and ask him/ her the questions in german?
Thanks again - what a lovely surprise this was!
Miss Muffin
Thanks for visiting my Welcome to Alberta post today! Love your nestingspot here! Cute. Love kindergarten teachers. My colleague and dear friend switched from teaching to working in recreation with seniors! Oh, the many years of fun we had!
congrats on your blog award! This is my first time here...enjoyed the Valentines crafts..I posted some on my blog too. I can see you love to craft as much as I do! Cherry
Thank you for award for all the hard work I put in making this Blog possible. It makes me a little sad that my wife has a nicer blog than I do but as they say "What's gonna work? Teamwork."
Thanks so much for visiting my Blog out in Arizona today. Come back anytime.
Congrats on your award!!!! It's great learning fun things about people!!!
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