Thursday, December 18, 2008

A New Outfit from Aunt Cheri

ER got her first Christmas gift today, all the way from South Carolina from her Great Aunt and Uncle. I think it's nice to let her open gifts that are mailed to us early, because then she can focus on just one thing. She is so blessed that sometimes she gets overloaded at the holidays. She'll open one thing and then be so happy with that one gift that she doesn't want to move along to the next. Aunt Cheri is a very talented seamstress and has made ER several lovely things from the time she was born starting with a darling little bear and the softest blanket to snuggle under.

Then the customized clothing began coming! Since ER is quite the fashionista I call these her haute couture collection LOL! Not only Aunt Cheri contributes to it, my mom has knitted her several cute hats and sweaters, her Great Aunt Denise has made her a personalized blanket and a sweater with flowers on it, my Godmother has knitted her a sweater too...but I digress. Aunt Cheri has made her a dress, and three rompers - two of which came with a matching reversible hat, and a little gray hoodie with pants. So she has certainly been a main contributor to ER's collection.

For Christmas this year she made ER a cute little corduroy outfit that's so bright and cheery. It's also very soft and snugly. ER opened the box it was in, stared at it for a few seconds, and then...and I swear this is true...she walked over to where we keep her collection of purses and pulled out the matching bag that Aunt Cheri gave her last summer when she was up from SC visiting. She ran back over to me, "My bag, my bag, wear it Mommy," and was waving her bag and pointing to the shirt made out of the same material! I had to laugh and help her change. Then she strutted all around the room in her ensemble! Too Funny!

Some of Aunt Cheri's other creations are depicted below. Gosh ER has changed so much! Oh and by the way, the dress really is quite lovely, the meltdown was because this first time Mommy had tried to take pictures of baby for way too long. She was DONE!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to have a talented Aunt Cheri!

    ER has really grown!

    Blessings & Aloha!


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