I make an effort to search out and find fun activities for ER to go to. It helps when the local library puts together special events. Not only is it only five minutes away, but since she goes to weekly story time there she is familiar with the routines like the beginning, "Where Is Thumbkin" and "If Your Happy and You Know It" songs. It's so cute to see her try to do the finger movements, as at this point all the fingers end up being Pointer. Since I taught I am well aware of the importance of literacy and daily reading to your child, but now that I am a parent I am equally aware of the importance of having someone else take a turn! Plus it's always nice to see and hear new books. ER is definitely in the rut of wanting the same ones over and over as they are predictable for her. After story time there was a craft, cookies, and real live reindeer. I'd have loved to get a picture of her with it but it was a no go. Like the big guy in red she wasn't going near the reindeer. But we do know she liked seeing him from afar, as when we talked to her Godmother later on she said her favorite part was, "I see a reindeer."
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