I haven't made this with ER yet, but plan to when she gets a little older. Right now we make Shutterfly photo calendars each year for the grandparents. A scrapbooker could easily recreate the calendar using color cardstock paper. The poems could still be printed onto the paper and either clip art or other embellishments such as thematic stickers or 3D stickers like Jolee's by EK Success would look cute. The calendar pages could be created on a computer program printed out with the dates already on them and with special events noted. We had a comb binding machine at school that I used but a copy store can do it too. I used clip art and fonts by DJ Inkers the poems are from various sources. Below are the month from January to December.

254 Friends Said:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 254 Newer› Newest»Hi,
I am a preschool teacher in Auburn, AL and love your handprint calendar idea. I am not able to read some of the poems that you have for some of the months. Are you willing to share them with me? I would love to do this project with my class.
Thank you for your assistance!
Dannell Fogal
What a terrific idea. I would love to do this with my daycare kids for gifts for their parents. Can you share the poems?
I wish I would have seen this earlier. I always have next year!
love this idea!! when i taught second grade we made mothers day calendars- just with different art projects though... i love the handprints as well as the poetry. is there a place to download the poems??
I love this calendar! Would you mind sharing the poems with me and letting me know where you got the really cute templates? I would love to know! Thanks!
I love your handprint calendar. Can you please share the poems. I've seen some calendars in the past, however, I believe your's is the best I've seen so far.
hi I am a per-K teacher in Lancaster Ca i like you calendar idea can you please send me a copy of your poems so i can do them with my class Thanks
If you are sharing the poems I would love a copy please. My email is tammysetzer@mooreschools.com.
Thank so much!
This is one of the best handprint calendars I've seen since I've been searching. Just like the others, are you willing to share the poems? How about the beautful calendar templates for each month? I love the country art calendar font and pictures compared to just using a blank publisher calendard.
I love your calendar idea! Would you be willing to send me the words to your poems? My email address is:
Thanks so much for your help!!
I would love a copy of the poems if you are sharing. My email is jippermatthews@yahoo.com. I have been looking at various calendars and I love the look of yours!
Wow! What a great handprint calendar! Best one I have seen! I would also love anything you are willing to share! My email is mdmisty@yahoo.com. Thanks for some great ideas!
I would love a copy of your poems, also if you are sharing.
This calendar is too cute! What a great idea. I would love to have a copy of the monthly poems as well. Thanks!
my email is louvero1@yahoo.com
Super Cute! Could you send me a copy of your poems! Thanks!
I absolutely love your calendar! Best one I've seen! The country clipart is adorable and the poems seem so cute!! I have a hard time being real crafty, so copying the templates on construction paper is definitely something I can do. Would you mind sharing so I could use it with my kindergarteners?
As the rest I love your calendar. I would like to do this project with my Kindergartenes as a x-mas gift. If you are willing to share, could you please send a copy to adamske@tcaps.net.
Your handprint calendar is adorable! Can you send me a copy of the poems or a link of where I can find the poems?
Thanks so much, Tricia
absolutely love ur handprint calendar :) could you pls send me the poems and clipart by chance?
I agree with everyone else... This is soooo cute and definitely the best one I've seen. Do you mind sharing your templates or at least the poems with me? katiehburke@gmail.com
May I please have a copy sent to my email too! I love this calendar!!!
Hello! I teach Kindergarten in Perth, Western Australia. I absolutely love your calendar and was hoping you could email me a copy, I love all the cute extra bits around the edges!!
Thanks so much!
This is the best version of this project I've seen and can't wait to try it next year!
Are you still sending out copies of the poems? I would appreciate a copy, too!
I LOVE this calendar! It's the best ever. I am a Preschool teacher and love this site. Would you please mail me the poems? Thank you!
I would love a copy of the poems am getting my curriculm ready for the new school year and would love to add this to it. Thanks my email is angelsweets80@yahoo.com.
I hadn't seen this post before! I love all the poems and will definitely be using some of them in ours!
This site is fabulous! where do you find the time? I too would love to do this next year with my kinders....Could I have a copy/template of the poems? Thanks for your time.kayewbstr@aol.com
Hi, I just found your site! Can't wait to catch up on all your great ideas this summer. I am hoping you will be able to send me a copy of the poems for this handprint calendar.
I would love the poems for the calendar. This is such a great idea!
May I have the poems? I teach Kindergarten.
This post has been selected one of my great posts of the week. Here is the link to my post: http://www.jdaniel4smom.com/2010/07/great-posts-i-came-across-this-week.html
i just across your calender idea. i think it was awesome and would make a great gift to parents! i would love it if you could send me a copy of your poems! so i could send the calender out as a gift this year. thanks
my email is angieloza23@aol.com
Hope your having a wonderful summer... I just found your amazing website and fell in love with the Handprint calendars. I also teach Kinder in CA and would love to do a similar project. Is there anyway I could purchase or email me a copy of your cute poems. I wanted to create this for their end of the year memory books.
Many Thanks,
Hope your having a relaxing summer. I just came across your amazing website and fell in love with the Handprint calendars. I also teach Kinder in CA and would love to do a similar project. Is there any way I could purchase the poems or send me a copy. I would love to use them for the students memory books.
My email is : Kelly.a.correa@gmail.com
Thanks so much,
Your calendar is the best one that I have found on the internet! If you are sharing the poems with the other teachers, would you mind sharing with me too? I'm a Pre-K teacher in Marietta, GA and would love to do this each month!
Hi I am the room mom in my sons Kindergarten class and we would love to make this calendar as a parents gift this year. I was wondering if you would be willing to share the clip art, fonts and calendar template with me? Thank you very much. wendi_jo@hotmail.com
I love your calendar! I teach kindergarten and would like to use it this year. Would you please e-mail me the poems with pictures?
Thank you,
H,i your calendar is indeed adorable. We were hoping that you might be able to provide some blank templates with the poems etc. We were looking at the project today and feel it will be quite an undertaking but well worth the effort. To be able to do this project in our art classes (we see the students one time per week) we would need to start on it very soon. We are very excited!
thanks, Ms. M
I would love a copy of the poems and calendar pages as well. I teach K, and I am hoping to make these as parent gifts for Christmas this year. Thanks so much!
I have taught preschool for a few years and have always wanted to do this project. I believe this may be the year!!!! I would love any templates you could send my way. I greatly appreciate all the hard work you put into this adorable project!
PS) I love the idea of sending it home blank w/ a dry erase marker so it could be use for many years!! :-)
What a great idea! I teach preschool and would love the templates for the calendar pages and the poems if you are willing to share them. This would be a great Christmas present for parents!
My email is:
Wow!! What a beautiful project. I started a Christmas calendar gift today and was surfing to get more ideas. I love what you've done and would love any templates and poems that you've accumulated for this.
My email is nikkerz75@hotmail.com
Thank you so much! And again, lovely work!
I would love a copy of your poems if you are willing to give them to me. I teach pre-k
thank you!
I love your calendar!! I would also love a copy of your poems and clipart if you are willing to share. My email is
I happened across your blog tonight and love your calendar. I've taught Kindergarten for 20 years and have always wanted to do a calendar, but never get it started in time. I'm determined to do one this year. Do you share your poems/templates? I'm hoping so and would be happy to purchase them. My email is rjgrinage@msn.com I look forward to hearing from you!
I teach kindergarten in Tennessee and I would love to get started on a handprint calendar for my parents. Can you share the poems with me? Thanks!
What a fantastic project!!! I absolutely love it. Is there anyway to have access to the poems...they are so cute, and totally add to the calendar. Again, what a great idea!
Just as the others I would LOVE do do this great keepsake book with my 4 year olds if you would kindly share the poems with me!
I'm a preschool teacher and would love to get a copy of the poems if possible. Such a cute idea!
Your calendar poems and the set up of the calendar is adorable! I would soooo appreciate your willingness to share your templates and poems. Thank you so much.
~ bsandersfeld@fairmont.k12.mn.us
You have created a beautiful calendar and I'd love to use this idea for grandparents for Christmas. If you are willing to share the poems, please email me at melncab@yahoo.com.
Thanks in advance!
Can u email me the calendar templates and poems?
Christina Rizzi
Hi my name is Amber and I am currently in the works of making handprint calendars for my preschool class.
I came across yours and it is amazing!
Would you be willing to share your templates and poems with me me?
Thank you for sharing your creative ideas!
Amber Humphrey
Gilbert, Az.
Hi! I love your calendar. Could you send me the poems so I can use them for my class this year?
I love, love, love this! I teach 28 preschoolers... any tips on doing this efficiently and not taking forever? I would love a copy of the poems as well if you are not tired of sharing!
I love this as well! If you are willing to share the templates, my email addy is cmosley@martin.k12.nc.us THANKS!
I love this calendar. I would love to do this with my kindergarten class this year. Can you please send me the poems. Thanks so much! Very cute!
Can I please get added to the sharing list too? I love this idea and want to start it immediately with my Kindergartener's as a gift for their parents this year. My email is: jkelly1127@gmail.com
Thank you!
Me too, please :-)) Would you please add me to the sharing list? I found your website when I was searching for handprint calendar ideas. I want my kindergarten students to make a Christmas gift that their parents will enjoy all year long. Your calendar is very cute and I wanted to start on it as soon as possible.
Would you still be willing to share your templates and poems with me?
Thank you for sharing your creative ideas! (vqteav@gmail.com)
These poems are amazing. I would love to use them for my Christmas presents for my parents. Do you mind sending and sharing them?
Hi I teach jumpstart and was wondering if I could get a copy of your templates and poems? They are adorable!!
I also do the handprint calendar in my kindergarten class. I love your so much more than the one I have done in the past. The colored paper, blank calendar, clip art, and extras are awesome! If you are willing to share,I would so much appreciate it! Thank You!
Good Morning,
What a Fantastic project! I would love to do this project with my niece to give to her mother as a Christmas gift. Can I have a copy/ template of the poems?
How did you find the cute calender pages too?
Such a CUTE calendar!! I would love to do this with my son as a Christmas gift for his grandparents!! Please share the poems and cute blank calendar pages if you would! :o) THANKS A TON!!
Wow! so many comments and i can totally see why!!!! If you are still sharing - i would absolutley love a copy to do with my own children and those i teach as well! Found your site by accident but will definately be back to check out new ideas. thank you
What a great idea! If you are still sharing the poems and template I would love a copy.
I am planning on letting my students make a calendar for their parents for Christmas. I absolutely love your calendar. Would you be willing to share the poems and templates for this project? It would be greatly appreciated.
I absolutely love this calendar! Great job! I would also love a copy of your poems that you used for it... this is the best calendar I have seen! Again, great job! My e-mail is: nicolen_23@yahoo.com Thank you! Happy Holidays!
I am a kindergarten teacher in NJ and I came across your awesome hand print calendar. I would love to do this activity with my students for the holidays. Do you have a blank template that you can send me. My e-mail address is Dlamorte1109@yahoo.com. Thank you in advance!!
My colleagues and I would love to use the poems from your calendar. If you are willing to share them, please send a copy to LarsonA4@gmail.com.
Happy Holidays!
Outstanding calendar! I love it! Could I have a copy of the poems as well? Thank you so much for sharing this precious idea.
I LOVE it!!! Your calendar is the best one I have come across! Can you please email me the poems and if possible with the clipart. I really want to make these for my kinder parents!
Thank you!!!
I would love to do this with my class in the next two days. If you could email this to me at Bstewart0000@yahoo.com
I am working on a handprint calendar for Christmas. I was wondering if I could get you to email me the poems. I would greatly appreciate it!
I love this idea...thank you for posting it. I teaching kindergarten in Wisconsin and I have done a similiar calendar but I like your way more!!! If you are sharing the poems and templates I would love a copy.
Would you please send me a copy of the poems and or templates??? I would SO appreciate it.
Thank you
I love this calendar and the poems. I would love to make some for the kids grandparents. Would you please send me a copy of the poems and templates as well. Thank you so much!
I love your hand print calendar.I came across your blog by by accident. I would love a copy of the poems, if you are still sharing. Thank you
I was just looking for something like this! My preschoolers are starting their Mother's Day Calendars on Monday and this would be perfect!!! VERY cute! I would love a copy of your templates if you don't mind sharing.
Love your calendar wondering if I would be able to get the templates/poems..
I love love love this! I would love to get a copy of your poems and blank calendar pages if you are willing to share! I would love to get started on these so that I can start making them with my kindergarten kiddies in the first week of school. Thank you so much for being an inspiration to those of us who are not crafty!
I love this idea! Would you mind sharing the poems? My email address is FontenotKat at gmail dot com.
Thanks for the inspiration!
I love the calendar idea. Can you please send me the poems you used?
I teach 3k and would love to do this this year with my kids
I really love this calendar! I would like to do it as a gift for parents at my daycare! I f you would be willing to share where you got the poems! Thank you!
I would love to use your inspiration to make placemats for my kids to give to their grandparents. I am hoping that I can also get the poems. I also have a blog where I post about what we are up to and I would love to link to you, I have never done that and am hoping that you can tell me how to do that! Thanks again for the great ideas!
I am a Kindergarten teacher and would absolutely love to use this in my class! If you are willing to share, may I have a copy of the poems??
I would LOVE a copy of the poems if you have a chance. I have an almost 4 year old and grandparents would LOVE this as will I!!
Natalie Manley
I would LOVE a copy of the poems that are on the pages. I have an almost 4 year old and would love to do this for me and grandparents!
I am a Kindergarten teacher and would love to follow in your footsteps and make this calendar! I know you have had many people ask, but would you be willing to share your poems/clip art templates? I just love what you have created.
If possible could I get a copy of the poems as well. Thanks so much
Hi Katie,
I second the above comments. I simply loved this handprint calendar! I'm a Kindergarten teacher in New Hampshire and would love the opportunity to share these with my families. Below you will find my email address. I would greatly appreciate it if you would share the poems. Thank you in advance.
Hello! I came across your blog and I love your ideas! I am a first time preschool teacher and would love to do this with the kids as well as an end of the year keepsake for the parents. If you don't mind I would love to know what all the poems are. THANK YOU FOR YOUR IDEAS!
Thank you so much for sharing. I'm a Pre-K teacher for children with special needs. I would love a copy of the poems if you are willing to share them.
Thank you,
I'd love a copy of the poems. My email is
I can't wait to make these with my pre-kinders
I am a preschool teacher and would love to make this handprint calendar with my class. I was wondering if you be willing to share your poems or templates. Thank You for your wonderful projects - God Bless!!!
I am a daycare provider and would love to use some of the poems in your calendar. If you wouldnt mind sharing I would greatly appreciate it :) thank you
Hi! I teach Kindergarten in Florida and came across this idea. I really like your idea of the cute calendar which and the adorable handprints as pictures. We are doing this as a Christmas gift this year for 2010. Would you be willing to share the poems and the place where you found the cute calendars? If so, I would greatly appreciate it! My email address is: tc3blue@gmail.com
Thank you for your willingness to share.
I was wondering if you could share the poems you have with your handprint calendar. I am designing one for my preschool class and I love the ghost one, but could not read the poem. Thanks...Julie
I would love to have these poems for my preschool class and my own children. thank you.
heltontexas at sbcglobal dot net
I love your handprint calendar. I would like to use it for my monthly portfolio pages in preschool. Could I please get a copy of each month's poem?
I know yu sent me the words for this hand calendar. but for some reason when I went to print them out I couldn't find them, Mand to get old.ohjoyus51@hotmail.com
I homeschool my 3 preschoolers and would love to get a copy of your poems too! thanks!! alexandrakbryant@gmail.com
HI! I am a Kindergarten teacher from Alabama. I have really enjoyed your web-site. Would you please send me a copy of your calendar poems and templates? Thank you so much!
I would LOVE a copy of the poems as well, if anyone could share them that would be wonderful!!
Thanks so much!
Hi! I teach kindergarten, and I would love to do this is a Christmas present this year for each family. Could you email me the poems and calendar templates as well? Thank you so much!
My email is rebakah_bussa@highlandfightingscots.org
I am a kindergarten teacher (not really Matthew...this is my husband's account), and I love your calendar. I really want to do this as a Christmas present for the parents this year. If you are willing to share, can you send me the poems and calendar templates that you use? Thanks so much! My email is rebakah_bussa@highlandfightingscots.org
Hi I love your handprint calendar. I would love to make this in my kindergarten classroom. Would you please email me your cute poems and the calendar pages. I love the cute clip art you used and the fonts. Thank you so much! Jen
Can you please email me the poems as well? Thank you so much!
Hi! I LOVE your calendar!! Would you please email me the poems? I'm trying to do it this year. Thank you! rosa_isela76@sbcglobal.net
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I did a Handprint Calendar last year and loved it. Since I teach Kinder and 1st I want to switch up my poems and handprints from last year. Would you send me the poems too? I am so glad I ran across your blog, thanks to funhandprintart.blogspot.com. I am adding your blog to my favorites to follow.
N. Hardman
I would love a copy too if you are sharing. It is such a great idea. I love the idea of the white board markers too! I think I will make them in my class and with my girls for Christmas for Grandma!
I am already working on my Christmas Calendars for my classroom and would love it you'd send me the poems. Getting an early start this year, so we can take our time and have plenty of time to do other Christmas activities.
Please email the poems to mrs.nhardman@gmail.com
Oh my nerve! Your handprint ideas and poems are darling! I would love to have a copy too! I am beginning to get ready for Christmas and would love to use the poem you have. Thanks for sharing!
Your calendar is so adorable. I teach kindergarten and love the calendar idea. I have made a different calendar the last few years and this year I really want to give the hand print calendar a try. You have the cutest one I have seen. I would love a copy of your poems and template. I would greatly appreciate an email from you. Thanks so much for your great ideas!
I think this is great. Being in South Africa I have change some of the months, because we don't celebrate Thanks Giving. Like all the others I am also asking for the words of the poems. PLEASE
I am a Kinder teacher and would love to have my kids make this calendar for their parents this year for Christmas. If you wouldn't mind sharing, would you please send me the poem and calendar templates? My email is thesixpack@verizon.net.
Thanks so much for the great idea!!
I would also love to have a copy of the poems! agvalero@yahoo.com
Thank You!!
I love your creativity! Could you send me a copy of your poems.... Thank you for your wonderful ideas.
Your calendar and handprint ideas are just too cute. I saw this idea and would LOVE to make this with my daughter for all her grandparents for Christmas. If you are sharing the poems and the cute backgrounds for the calendar pages, I'd LOVE to have them! Thank you so much for sharing!
I love this idea! My teaching partner and I would love to have our first graders make this before winter break. Could you send me your poems? We would really appreciate it!
I love this handprint calendar. It would be a perfect gift for grandparents. I would love to have a copy of your poems. Thanks so much.
I LOVE LOVE this calendar craft. I teach preschool and would love to get a copy of your printable pages with the poems. I know your very busy and totally respect that. Have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. God Bless. Mrs. Valerie
Please send me the copy of poems to. We are doing this for the preschool department for church. Great gifts for the kids to give parents.
Adorable and can't wait to do these with me first graders. The parents are going to cherish this - if you wouldn't mind could you please send me anything you have to help me complete this -
ajprelude at aol dot com
Can you please email me your poems? I have and in home daycare and would love a copy of them
I am a Kindergarten teacher as well as a mom of a 2 1/2 year old and a little boy due in June - I LOVE this idea and would love a copy of the poems if you are sharing!! Thanks so much :)
Would you please share the templates for this gorgeous craft! I home school, and would love to have such a cute keepsake for my 4 and 2 year old girls. Thanks :) Emetz1986@gmail.com
This is such a cute idea! I teach transitional first grade, and usually make a calendar for mother's day. This is way cuter than what I have been making. I LOVE the handprints and poems. If you are willing to share I would love to have a copy of your poems.
Thank you!
This is great! If you are will can you send me a copy of all the poems as well. I teach in a one room school house in Wyoming and can us this with all my grades. Thanks Missy
I love this idea! I have almost finished my preschoolers books for this year. Would you be willing to share the April and May poem with me? They are the only ones I am lacking.
Thanks so much!!
I would love to use a few of your poems. Can you send me the copy for them? I really need April - June if you just want to send those. Thanks so much!!!
Sorry, email to send copy to... pmoldham@bellsouth.net
Can you please provide me with a copy of your monthly handprint poems?
Thank You!
Tiffany Laffin
I really love this idea if you could please send me a copy of your monthly poems or where you got them from that would be great thanks so much amckuen@hotmail.com
I love, love, love this and really want to do this project for next year. Is there anyway to still get copies of your poems....I stumbled across your site from a pinterest stop. Thank you!
Please let me know if you can send me the poems too! Thank you so much!
debevans at bellsouth dot net
I just finished a hand print calendar for Father's Day. I am sad I didn't find yours before now! I would love to have a copy of the poems so I could use them for the next one we make.
I would love to have a copy of your poems so I can get started making this precious calendar with my 4 year old!
Thank you in advance!
I would love to have a copy of your poems so I can get started making this precious calendar with my 4 year old!
Thanks in advance!
I really love this idea. Would you please share your poems with me? Thank you!
Can I get a copy of your poems? I would love to use them in my class.
Thank you!
Can I get a copy of your poems, please?
I love this idea!! Can I get your poems to make with my Kinder students?
I am a Kindergarten teacher and we currently make a monthly calendar but I would love to incorporate their handprints. Would you please send me the poems?! uncqt24@gmail.com Thank you!
I am a preschool teacher and would love to have a copy of your peons/calander pages... please let me know if you are still distributing them and how I can get a copy!!
Thanks so much
heathervieths@ yahoo.com
Hi! I love these calendar poems and would love to do them with my kindergarten class this year. Could you email me the templates to cgrobinson@gmail.com? I would appreciate it SO much!
I LOVE your poem handprint calendar! I am a new Kindergarten teacher and would love to do this with my kiddos!! Are you able to send me your poems and calendar pages??
Thanks so much!
Your calendar is so cute! Would you be willing to share the poems and/or calendar pages?? Thank you- sorry- it seems like you're getting asked by a ton of people!!
I would love to get a copy of the poems and calendar! I thing this is the sweetes thing! You are so talented. I am a preschool teacher and would love to use this for the christmas gift.
Thank you!
Hi, I teach 2 year old special needs children and plan to use your handprint calendar as Christmas gifts this year. It can be challenging to find artwork/gifts that these children can do with minimal help, so I am really glad I ran across your site. Can you please post the poems so that they can be read? Thanks again for your willingness to share!
Hi, I teach a K-1 special needs class and would love to make your hand print calendar as gifts for our parents. I love your ideas for each month. Can you please send me the poems so that we may use them? Thank you for sharing with us.
I think I'm the 153rd person who is crazy about your handprint calendar. I'm a new teacher currently teaching preschoolers. As everyone else has stated, your handprint calendar is by far the best out there. I don't know if you're sharing your poems/ templates, BUT if you're willing to share them, I'd even be willing to pay for them. Thanks for highlighting such an excellent example of a handprint calendar gift for parents!
absolutely amazing!! i work at a preschool and have made a handprint calendar previously but yours is by far the best i have seen! if you are sharing i would love your poems or if you have a way of getting them please share thank you!!
my email is kmtataroe@gmail.com
HI I love your work!! Been wanting to do something like this with my preschoolers.. Im a pre-k teacher West Hills california..I would love a copy of your templates if you don't mind sharing.
My email addy is Mickeemay@aol.com
Thank you for sharing your blog for us to see!!
I love your calendar idea. I do something similar, but would like to use some of your poems. Hope you can share. Thanks a bunch!!
This is fabulous. I teach preschool in Iowa. Could you please send me a copy of the poems?
I really love this idea and want to do it for my preschool class and my son. Will you email me the words to the poems? Thank you! Tlmcdon2@mail.usf.edu
Love this idea want to do for Christmas gifts. Could you share each poem with me? Moshermama@yahoo.com
Would love the poems to make these for Christmas. Mosher0922@gmail.com
I love your calendar! I teach kindergarten and would love to use it this year. Would you please e-mail me the poems with pictures?
Thanks so much!!
I love love love your calendar!! It is by far the cutest I have seen!! I was wondering if you could share your templates and/or the poems with me. I would greatly appreciate it!
Thanks :)
Hello there,
So I am teaching kindergarten this year and wanted to make a memorable book to the parents at the end of the year and I came across yours. It's wonderful!!! Is there a link to thee poems? If not are you willing to share them? Thank you and keep up the great work!!!
Hello! Could you please your poems? Beautiful keepsake for preschool families. Thanks!
This is so adorable! I am really excited to make it with my preschoolers for their christmas gifts to their parents! would you mind emailing me the poems for each month? Thank you so much!
Might be easier if I had remembered my email address! :)
Thanks again!!
Hi there,
I've really enjoyed reading your blog! I teach K and would also love to do this with my students if you are sharing the files. I'd also be happy to purchase the set! Please let me know- my email is michelle.simpson.09@gmail.com. Thanks so much!
Are you still sending out copies of the poem for the handprint calendar? If so, could you please send one to kristibelen@gmail.com . Thanks
I would love copies of your poems and/or monthly templates if you still are sharing them. They are adorable.
I have looked everywhere for the poems you used. Are you still sending out copies of them - or is there a place to print them out? My e-mail is kohollis@gmail.com. thank you so much.
This is a wonderful idea! I would love to do this with my class! Would you email me the poems and calendars? I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
I am a preschool teacher and would love to make this handprint calendar for my student's Christmas presents to their parents. Would you mind sharing the poems? Thanks
my e-mail address is debwise25@hotmail.com
This is such a cute project!! I would love a copy of the calendars and poems if you are sharing. My email is. rsdonnelly@gmail.com
Thank you!!
do you have any templates for the poems and calendar pages you created? i would love to make this!
This would be perfect for the holidays! If possible, could you share the documents via email or let me know where you printed them from? Please let me know.
Love this idea! Could you please send me the poems via email c_farrell2@yahoo.com. Thanks!
I would also love a copy of the poems! I am wanting to recreate each month on a 12*12 scrapbook page then put all 12 In a 12*12 frame, then all grandma has to do is switch out the page each month! Thanks so much for your help in making this happen.!
I enjoy your blog and all you do! Thanks so much for such great ideas!
Any chance you could send the poems or template my way too! Love it!
Thanks! Becky
I see lots of requests for copies of the poems. Any chance you could email them to me or let me know if they are posted online. Thanks,
I love this idea. Could be some great Christmas gifts... Any way you would send the template to me?
Thanks so much.
I would love the poems as well. I have made calendar hands for years and have never seen the poems. It would be a great addition to the memory books.
thank you so much,
LOVE IT!!! Id enjoy a copy of the poems to do with my preschoolers. you can email them to me at jessicacorrey@yahoo.com
thank you!
Hi, I am a preschool teacher and love this idea. Would you mind sharing your poems with me? em.l.goodwin@gmail.com
Thank you so much.
Hi! These are adorable. Would you be willing to send me the poems? Eblucas1@gmail.com
Thank you!
Hi, Im a preschool teacher and would love to do something like this with my little ones. Would you be able to sent me the poems, please? Thank you!
That is a great idea!!! Could you send me the poems please. Thank you :)
This idea is just amazing. Im a primary infant teacher in Ireland and would love to do this project with the kids. Both them and their parents would love it. If you wouldnt mind sending me thw words. Thanks u sooo much. My email is elliosullivan@gmail.com
Hi, I'm like everyone else. These are great ideas and I would love a copy of the poems. My e-mail address is ldwright54@gmail.com
These are amazing! My wheels are turning for next year. are you sharing your poems? I would love to have them too.
Thanks a million,
Hi I am a preschool teacher and I love your calendar i would love copies of them to do with my students my email is mandapavlich@yahoo.com
Thank you very much
As I'm agreeing with the other posts, this calendar idea is the best out there! I am a 1st grade teacher in Illinois and think that this would be a great project for my firsties to do. If you're willing to still share the poems, could you direct me to the source?
I love the calendar idea, but I can't read all of the poems. Is there a way to see/get the poems? I want to do this project with my kiddos.
I love the calendar idea, but can't read all of the poems. Is there a way to see them? I want to do this with my kiddos.
Wonderful, wonderful!
Are you willing to share poems?
Thank you in advance,
maria.crowther@ tdsb.on.ca
I absolutely love this calendar! Would you be willing to share the poems? Thank you so much!
landresen86@hotmail. com
I love you calendar. Can you please send the poems and pages of you don't mind. Thanks elissabari@gmail.com thanks so much!
I really love your ideas. i would love to have a copy of your poems please. Would you mind emailing them to fettintexas1@gmail.com
I am teaching 31 senior infants in ireland. We are working on theme of myself and I just love your handprint calendar . It is definitely one of the nicest ideas I have ever seen. I wouuld love to down load your poems if possible. My e mail address is caitrionahyland@gmail.com.
Thank you so much
Hi! I love your calendar! I have been looking for a very cute template like yours. I am a kindergarten teacher and want to do these as Christmas gifts for parents. Are you willing to share??? Please email me. Thanks so much!!
Hi, I love your calendar as well. If you are willing to share I'd love a copy of your poems as well. What a wonderful idea for the classroom and gift to families. I would love to do these with my kids, our sweet daycare kids, and my future class someday. Please email me if you would, lmcardwell4@gmail.com. Thank you so much for blogging this!
Katie, Just came across this blog post.I LOVE your calendar ideas and would really appreciate it if you could share a template of the monthly poems. I have become a follower of your blog and look forward to learning more from you! Joanne jodaddesio@yahoo.com
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