I had all sorts of plans for some crafty fun with ER this year and then all of a sudden it was the middle of December and I hadn't planned or bought supplies for anything! Whoops! We made an emergency trip to
Michael's the other day and she found this kit for a Princess Snow Castle that SHE HAD TO HAVE, and I mean major begging. "Oh Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, please, please, Mommy...please...I neeeeeeed it!" It was labeled for four and up, and I could tell there were lots of itty bitty pieces I didn't want to deal with. I gave her the standard I'll think about it answer, which apparently meant yes to her as she carried it all around the store. Which is saying something, because normally she'll carry something she just has to have and loose interest in it two aisles down. It'll get put on the floor while she examines something new and then left behind. Not this time, no way. She kept pleading, "Mommy like princess castle so much, need princess castle," this got several smiles from other shoppers, but otherwise she was very good stayed right next to me and didn't grab anything else. So I caved.
We brought it home along with a much more suitable 3D tree set, both 40% off and sooo much easier then buying everything separately, cutting, gluing etc. My husband was thrilled when I told him I thought the castle was a perfect daddy daughter project! I have no idea how a four year old is supposed to put it together, I think it was hard for an adult to put together and yes there were a million tiny little pieces! Needless to say Daddy ended up doing a lot of the work, but ER did help some. She was very excited to glue the little balls on.
It took me three crafting periods to finish the trees with her, as the attention span isn't that long yet but it all looks cute on her shelf along with her NOEL letters. This morning when I was getting her dressed she looked up at me and said, "I love my princess castle, Daddy maked it for me. Daddy put on berries. Love him sooooo much!"
1 Friends Said:
This looks beautiful!! I'm anxious to read all about your adventures & ideas.
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